IMAGINE: seeing Jared and Shannon at the gym

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Going for a swim in the evening always helped me clear my head after a long day of the stress and other bullshit also known as work.  I dived into one of the lanes and swam intensely for a good half hour. I had the lane to myself which was always good because other people are slow.

I kept an eye on the clock and after thirty minutes I decided to move over to the larger area of the pool which was sectioned off for more relaxed swimming. I stood on the side of the pool and shook my long hair free from my swimming hat.

This was the moment I saw them. I looked up above the pool where you could see the gym through the glass panels and I saw two ridiculously sweaty guys laughing at each other as they ran on treadmills. 

The one on the right had long hair tied back into a man bun and he caught my eye. He winked at me and the other one waved.

I waved back, confused, but pleased they were friendly. 

I decided after all that I wasn't going to swim, but instead I was going to bathe in the jacuzzi just behind where I was standing. I lowered myself into the water and the bubbles thundered around me. I watched them for ages as they ran and nudged each other and cracked jokes.

They were cute.

After twenty minutes or so I was getting cold so I gave them a little wave before heading off into the changing rooms to get dry. I came here every evening, so I was sure I would see them both again. Maybe this was a good excuse to actually use the gym, I thought to myself.

   ₪ Ø lll ·o.  

"Dude she's hot." Jared whispered to Shannon as they ran. 

"I saw her first." Shannon pouted. 

"You totally didn't." Jared hit a button on Shannon's machine that forced him to run a little faster. "Keep running, Shannon."

"Uh, yeah?" He squeaked. "Maybe you should go down there and keep fucking swimming Jared." 

They fell about laughing and almost lost their footing. She was still in the Jacuzzi. She had stretched her legs out in front of her and then put her feet up on the side. Her eyes looked closed, but Jared wasn't fooled.

"Shannon, she's totally checking us out, look." He pointed. 

"How can you see from here, man?"

"Because I'm running slower than you, Flash Gordon." He hit the button to slow Shannon down a pace or two. "Look, she's totally not got her eyes closed."

"Do you think she comes here a lot?" Shannon wondered, "J, we should come back here tomorrow and see if she's there."

Jared slowed his machine right down. It whirred until it had come to a complete stop. Shannon was still going.

"What?" He panted.

"And what are you gonna do if she's there tomorrow, Shannon?" He leaned on the machine and raised his eyebrows at his older brother.

Shannon shrugged. "Say hi?"

"Oh, look. She's leaving." Jared said, a little sadly. They both smiled at the same time and waved. She waved back in a slow suggestive manner and flounced out of sight.

   ₪ Ø lll ·o.  

The next day I didn't even bother packing my swimsuit. I went straight for the gym, put my iPhone on shuffle and focused hard on the exercise bike, the rowing machine, and the cross-trainer. 

When I had done twenty minutes on each I was beginning to feel the strain. I looked around the room, disappointed. I was starting to wonder if they were even going to turn up at all. I decided to nip back into the changing rooms to grab my water bottle and take a five minute break. When I emerged back onto the gym floor I saw them lining up for the bench press.

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