Axel x Saix

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Axels POV

I laid on my bed with my hands behind my head, relaxing as I waited for the time to fly by. 

It wasn't time for our missions yet. 

So, I laid here thinking about my old memories. I thought back to when I was younger, and I met a boy named Ventus. He looked a lot like Roxas. Almost identical. Then I thought of Isa and me. We were so close. 

I thought of the time when we got sea salt ice cream together. We were sitting on the fountain beside each other, cloud gazing as we ate. 

We had good times together. I was always so fond of him. I honestly really loved him. But he didn't feel the same. At least, that's what he showed anyway. 

But none of that matters anymore. We're no longer Lea and Isa. We're nobodies. We aren't capable of feeling. 

I looked at my alarm clock and noticed it was time to go. So, I got up and made my way to the lobby. 

Saix was standing there, holding a sheet of paper that had the list of names on it and what mission you were doing. 

We made eye contact. I tensed. 

"Axel. You're on a mission with Roxas." Saix said, looking angry after he said Roxas. I looked at him confused. 

"Okay... where are we going?" I asked. He looked back to me. 

"Hollow Bastion. Help him collect more hearts." and with that, he went to someone else and told them their mission. 

I sighed and met up with Roxas. 

"Hey Roxas. We're on a mission together again. We have to go to Hollow Bastion and collect more hearts." I told him. 

He nodded. "Okay." 

"Afterwards we can get ice cream again, okay?" I told him, resting my hand on his shoulder. He smiled up at me. 

"Sounds good to me!" He said. 

I made the portal and we walked in together. But before I teleported away, I looked back and saw Saix looking at me. He had his usual dull expression, but he looked almost... jealous...

Before I could turn around to talk to him, I teleported away and was at Hallow Bastion. 


"Alright! Ready for ice cream?" I asked Roxas. He smiled and nodded excitedly like a child. I laughed at him and we made our way to the clock tower with our ice cream. 

"Today was fun." He said, smiling to himself. "I like going on missions with you..." 

I smiled at him. "I like it too." 

We ate our ice cream together and talked and laughed. 

"I hope we have another mission together tomorrow." He said. 

"Same here." 

We smiled at each other. He blushed a bit. He looked cute when he blushed. 

"We should get some sleep." I said, standing up and holding my hand out for him. He smiled and nodded, taking my hand and walking into the portal with me. 


I escorted him to his room, saying goodnight then leaving to my room. 

When I got in though, I was not expecting what I saw. 

Saix was sitting on my bed, looking straight at me. My eyes widened. 

"S-Saix?" I asked. 

"I remember." He said. "I remember you, Lea." 

My mouth dropped open and my eyes widened. "Y-You do?..."

He nodded. "I never forgot you." 

I blushed a bit. 

"Sorry for keeping this from you... but I couldn't tell you I knew... it wouldn't do good for the organization." He said. 

"Why not?" I asked. 

"Thinking of your somebodies life isn't helping with our missions... you know, to get hearts." He said. 

I looked down sadly. "I thought about us everyday..." 

He stood up and walked towards me. I looked into his eyes. "I did too..."

I looked at him sadly and sighed. "What happened between us?..." 

"I don't know..." He said, shaking his head. 

"Isa... I... Lea loved you..." I said, looking down at his chest to avoid eye contact. 

"I know." He said, caressing my cheek. I looked up at him confused. 

"H-How did you know?" I asked. 

"I could tell..." He said. 

I blushed a bit. 

"Isa loved Lea too... you know." He said. 

"He did?" I asked. 

He nodded. "Yes." 

I smiled and wrapped my arm around his shoulder. "That makes me happy to hear." 

He lifted my face to face him more, causing me to blush. 

"Isa didn't have the strength to do this... but I do." He said, leaning in. My eyes widened and I blushed hard. 

I leaned in back nonetheless and our lips were connected in a passionate kiss. I wrapped my other arm around him and he rested his hands on my waist. 

I played with his hair as we shared sweet kisses. Though nobodies can't feel anything, I made sure to show him how I felt. 

As we were kissing, I seen a flash of our old selves. 

Lea and Isa, kissing in the plaza. 

I smiled against his lips and he pulled away, looking at me confused. 

"What?" He asked. 

"I'm just happy." 

Sorry for another cheesy one shot, but there you go! Hope you liked it! 

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