Zexion x Demyx

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Suggested by: Me and X_Cat_Nobody

Zexion's POV 

Today is our day off and I decided to spend it in my bed relaxing and reading my favourite book. I already read it four times. It's that good. I like it so much because the relationship in this book makes me think about Demyx... I like to think about us together... 

I sat above the covers on my bed, keeping my bed nice and clean. I haven't told anyone this but I'm a clean freak. (In the summary of Zexion it did mention that he likes everything to be clean and hates things dirty) 

It was the middle of the day and I just finished the book. I sighed and rested my head against the wall behind my bed. I decided to get extra sleep, so I laid down and shut my eyes. 

But before I could sleep, someone knocked at the door. 

I sighed and climbed out of bed, walking to my door and opening it slightly. 

"Demyx?" I asked, surprised to see him. He smiled at me. 

"Hey, Zexion!" He said. I opened the door wider to let him in. He walked in and took a look around. Not much to see because all the rooms are the same. 

He turned to me. I was still standing at the door which I had closed after he walked in. 

"What're you up to?" He asked me, sitting down on my bed, leaving his feet on the ground. 

"I was just about to get some sleep." I said. He looked shocked. 

"Why would you wanna spend your free time sleeping?! This is your chance to have fun!" He said. 

I sighed and nodded. "I know. But we don't get enough sleep as it is. So, I'd like to catch up on some sleep." 

He nodded. "I get that. But unfortunately for you, I'm here to bug you. I want someone to hangout with!" He said, smiling. 

I crossed my arms. "And what exactly would we be doing?" 

He shrugged. "Don't know yet. I was hoping you'd have an idea." 

"Sleep." I said simply. 

He rolled his eyes. "I meant something fun!" 

"My kind of fun is reading. So I don't see why you'd want to hangout with me." I said, leaning against the door. 

He looked at the ground awkwardly. "I wanted to hangout with you because I find you interesting..." He said. 

A slight blush reached my cheeks.

Demyx finds me interesting?... 

I tried to lower the redness in my face, but the more I tried, the more red it got. I was praying he wouldn't look up at me, but of course he did. 

He smiled. "You're cute when you blush." 

My face turned even redder. 

"S-Stop doing that." I said, looking away and at the ground. 

"What? Saying that you look cute? Saying that you make me smile?" He said, standing up from my bed and walking towards me. 

"D-Demyx..." I stuttered, my eyes widening at how close he got. He was standing just a few feet away from me. 

I looked up at him, the blush on my cheeks never going away. He softly caressed my left cheek, smiling down at me. 

"I like you, Zexion. The missions we've been on together really got me to see who you really are... and I think I've fallen for you. Which it is almost impossible for a nobody to feel anything... so that's saying something." He said. 

Demyx... likes me?! 

I didn't know what to say. I was speechless. 

He smiled, noticing how red I've gotten. "It's okay... you don't have to say anything. Just give me a sign. Do nothing if you don't like me back... and do something if you do. That could mean two blinks... or you co-" 

I interrupted him by smashing my lips onto his. He was shocked at first but kissed back nonetheless. His lips were soft, and he was a great kisser. Luckily, his breath smelled like mint, so that meant he was clean. 

After a few more moments, we pulled away. I rested my forehead against his and smiled, breathing heavily. He was breathing heavily as well. 

"Does that answer your question?" I asked. (I realize he didn't really ask him a question, but just go with it)

"No, I think you'll have to do it again." He smirked. I smiled and leaned in again, kissing him passionately. 

It felt so good being in his arms and kissing him. This is what I wanted for so long... and finally it's happening. 

I pulled away and smiled, breathing heavier then before. 

"Did that answer your question?" 

He smiled, and nodded, breathing heavily. 

"Did that really happen?" I laughed slightly. 

He laughed as well. "Yes. And I'm glad it did." 


Demyx decided to take me to Twilight Town, where our first mission together was. He took me up a hill where a bench was. The view was absolutely stunning! 

We sat down beside each other, him wrapping his arm around me tightly. I rested my head on his shoulder and smiled. 

"I've liked you for a while... It's hard to believe this is actually happening." I said, smiling to myself. 

"I've liked you for a while too..." 

I could hear the smile in his voice. 

I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back. I blushed as I leaned in and kissed him softly. He kissed back softly too. 

We stayed like that for the rest of the night, holding each other and kissing each other lovingly. 

So cheesy I know.

Hope you liked it! 

If you guys want more intense stuff to happen in these one shots, then please comment and tell me XD 

If you guys are going to request a ship, can you please give me a scenario with it? Because certain ships I will have a hard time with. 


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