Sea Salt Trio

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Roxas' POV 

Today I had a mission with Xion. We collected more hearts together. We bonded some more too. After our mission, we set out to the clock tower with our ice cream. We bought one for Axel as well. 

"We still haven't gone to the beach..." Xion said, taking a bite of her ice cream. 

'Yeah... but we will on our next day off. I promise." I said. She smiled and nodded. 


I looked down to the town and saw Hayner, Pence and Olette playing together. I smiled. 

"Do you miss them?" Xion asked. I looked at her and smiled. 

"Yeah... but I got great friends right here." I said. She smiled back. 

"Hey guys!" Axel said behind us, taking his seat beside me. I smiled at him. 

"Hey Axel! Here's your ice cream." I said, handing him his. He smiled. 


We ate our ice cream in silence, until we were all finished it. 

Axel sighed. "Our next day off isn't until next month!" Axel complained. 

"Maybe we can go now?" Xion suggested. I looked at her in interest. 

"Maybe we can go to the beach right now? Go for a late swim?" She said. 

I nodded. "I like that idea! It would be fun!" I said. 

Axel smiled. "Yes it would be. But we have mission tomorrow... we need our sleep." 

I shrugged. "Yes we do. But we also deserve to have fun." 

"Yeah! Come on let's have some fun Axel!" Xion said. 

Axel sighed. "Alright, let's go." 

"Yay!" Me and Xion cheered. 


We got some swimming wear and headed to the beach. We went to an island called Destiny Islands. 

It felt familiar to me. 

Xion ran into the water first, shrieking from how cold it was. It was night time, so it would most definitely be cold. 

Axel ran in next, diving straight in to get used to it. I laughed once he freaked out from how cold it was. 

He smirked at me. "Come on Roxas!" 

I sighed and smiled, slowly walking to the shore. The water touched my toes and I jumped. 

"Holy that's cold!" I complained. 

They laughed. I shook my head and laughed. "I'm not doing this." I laughed, turning around and walking further away from the water. 

Then I heard splashing, sort of like someone was walking out of the water. I turned around and Axel quickly picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

 "Ahh! Axel no! Put me down!" I laughed. He laughed and started to run. 

"No!!" I laughed. He then threw me into the water. The cold. Freezing. Water. 

I quickly swam to the top, gasping for air and shivering like crazy. Axel and Xion laughed at me. 

I glared at Axel. "You're gonna pay for that!" I joked, swimming my way towards him. He laughed hard and I splashed water at him. He gasped and splashed water back. 

I laughed so hard. This was fun. Then I turned around and splashed Xion. She gasped and glared at me playfully. 

She started to splash us as well. It was a splash fight. At one point they both started splashing me at once. 

After a while longer, we stopped swimming and we laid down on a towel in the sand, looking up at the stars. 

"Man... they're so beautiful..." Axel said quietly. I smiled. 

"Yeah... they are." I said. I was laying between them, the same order we sat in on the clock tower. 

"I could stare at them all day..." Xion said. 

I shut my eyes, enjoying the peace and quiet. I listened to the waves of the water, and the wind that blew over us. I listened to the trees swaying in the wind. It was beautiful. 

We stayed like that for the rest of the night, forgetting about our missions tomorrow. But we didn't care. We had too much fun to care. 

Hope you liked this! Comment any suggestions for one shots! 

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