Happy Birthday Xemnas!

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Third person POV 

Today is Xemnas' birthday. No one celebrates birthday's in the organization. But this year, the other members have a different plan. 

They decided to throw Xemnas a surprise birthday party! 

In all honesty though... it was Roxas and Xion's idea. Everyone is just going along with it. 

So, Roxas and Xion decide to do it in Xemnas' room. 

They decorate it, set up some food and drinks and other fun party stuff! 

"Think this is good?" Xion asked Roxas. Roxas nodded. 

"Yeah this is good." He said. 

Xion then got an idea. "Hey Roxas... since he won't be back until later... let's take a look in his drawers!" She said. 

Roxas' eyes widened. "Xion no! That's a territory we don't wanna cross!" 

"He doesn't have to find out!" She said. 

Roxas sighed. He was interested in what was in there... "Fine. Let's do it." Roxas said. Xion smirked. 

"Let's start with his night side table!" She said. They made their way to his drawer, opening the top drawer and seeing that it was empty. 

"Bummer." Roxas said. Then they opened the second drawer and gasped. 

"Ahh!!!! What the hell!" Xion and Roxas yelled. 

They seen a sex toy in there. (Whatever you all want it to be) 

They quickly shut the drawer and hurried out the room, pretending like they didn't see anything. 


Later, everyone came in his room and found a place to hide. Roxas and Xion were standing by the door with his cake. 

Then they heard walking from outside his door. They all hushed and held their breaths. The door creaked open and Xemnas walked in. 

Roxas flicked on the lights and everyone yelled "SURPRISE!" 

Xemnas practically jumped out of the building. 

"What the hell is this?!" He asked angrily. Roxas and Xion held out the cake towards him. 

"It's your birthday party! Surprise! Happy birthday Xemnas!" Roxas said. Everyone pulled out streamers and through them at Xemnas. 

Xemnas slowly smiled. 

"Thank you everyone! Finally you guys care about my birthday!" Xemnas yelled, grabbing the cake from Roxas and Xion and stuffing his face with it. 

Everyone laughed at him. The rest of the night we partied and had a great time! 

Hope you liked this! 

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