Xion and Marluxia

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Pairing suggestion:  ItzelBarajas160

Xion's POV

Tomorrow is Valentines day. We don't usually celebrate that in the organization, but Demyx insisted we hosted a Valentines Day dance. I personally would love a dance! So, Xemnas called us all into the chair room. 

"I've been hearing that someone here wants a Valentines day dance" Xemnas said. I looked up at Demyx who gulped with fear. 

"It was Demyx, sir." Saix said. Demyx started sweating pin balls. 

Xemnas made eye contact with Demyx. "And why is this?" He asked him. 

"I-I just thought that it would be nice to have a night off and have a party... you know?" Demyx said nervously. 

Xigbar laughed. "Yeah, we all know that isn't your only reason." He joked. Demyx glared at him but blushed awkwardly. 

"Sir, we have too much work to be done! We have no time to set up the dance! Let alone have one!" Saix complained. 

He does have a point... 

Then Xemnas looked down at me. I tensed and sat up straight. 

"Saix has a good point. Which is why I will be assigning Xion to get the dance ready." Xemnas said, not once looking away from me. 

My eyes widened and my mouth dropped. "B-But sir! I can't plan a dance! I know nothing of the subject!" I said worriedly. 

"Figure it out." Saix said harshly. 

I sighed and nodded, looking down at my lap. 

"Then it's decided. Xion will not be doing missions tomorrow, she will be setting up the dance. The rest of you still do your missions." Xemnas said. 

Everyone nodded. 

"You're dismissed." 

Everyone started to teleport away. I stayed back until I was left with Xemnas. 

"Can I get some help from someone?" I asked him. He thought for a moment. 

"Ask Marluxia. He doesn't have a mission tomorrow." He said. I nodded. 

"Thank you." Then I teleported away. 

I went to the sitting room and noticed Marluxia sitting down on one of the couches. He was playing with a rose petal. 

I awkwardly walked over to him and sat down on the couch in front of him. 

"Hello, Marluxia." I said, fiddling with my hands. We never really speak with each other. Only if we have missions together. 

"Xion." He said, setting his gaze back on the petal. 

"I heard you don't have a mission tomorrow." I started. I peaked his interest. "So I was wondering... if maybe you'd like to help me with the dance?" I finished. 

He smirked. "What's in it for me?" He asked. 

I shrugged. "Nothing really. You'll just earn a friend?" I said, smiling. 

He sighed. "Fine. But I'm not doing it for your friendship, I'm doing it because I don't have anything to do tomorrow." 

I nodded happily and stood up quickly, jumping up and down a bit. "Thank you!" 

He smiled and nodded. "Whatever." 

The next day, me and Marluxia met up outside of the basement door where we will be holding the dance. 

"So, what will we be doing first?" I ask. He shrugs. 

"We should probably find a DJ first." He suggested. I nodded. 

"Maybe someone here can do it? Anyone good with technology?" I asked. 

He smiled. "Yes, Zexion is good with computers."

"Hmm... but that's not exactly DJ material." I said. 

"Better than nothing." He said. 

"I guess that's true." I said. 

Marluxia grabbed some paper to write all this information down on. Though, we put maybe for Zexion only because he might not want too. 

"Now for food and drinks." He said. 

"We can just gather all that from Twilight Town or from our small supply." I said. He nodded. 

After a while we stopped planning and just did it. We gathered some decorations and put them up, we gathered a disco ball and some streamers and some flashing lights. Then we set up the DJ area. We put the food and drinks on the food table, and got some couches and other stuff to relax on. 

"Is that all?" Marluxia asked me. I examined our checklist and the room. 

"That should be good." I said. 

We both smiled and cheered from accomplishing this. We high-fived  then went to relax on the couches in the dance room. 

A few hours later, everyone showed up and took a look around. Saix and Xemnas didn't show up though. 

"Hey guys! Welcome!" I said excitedly. "Happy Valentines day!!" I cheered. 

Demyx jumped up and down excitedly. I laughed slightly at him. 

Everyone sat down and chatted, some ate food, and others stood and chatted. Me and Marluxia met up with Zexion. 

"You're good with technology, right?" I asked. He nodded. 

"How would you like to work the DJ?" Marluxia asked. Zexion hesitated. 

"I kind of already said I'd come to the dance with someone. I can't work the DJ... Sorry guys." He said, walking away. 

I sighed. "Still have that playlist?" 

"Yup." Marluixa said, walking to the DJ thing and played the music. The playlist was our last resort. 

During the dance, I met up with Roxas and Axel, and we all danced together. Marluxia joined us. Once a slow song came, Roxas and Axel slow danced together, leaving me and Marluxia leaning against the wall watching them. Of course I didn't mind, I didn't want to slow dance. 

I examined everyone else, Xigbar was standing at the food table with Xaldin, eating practically all the food. Zexion and Demyx were slow dancing together. I smiled at them. Luxord and Vexen were sitting together at the couches, chatting with the others. 

Marluxia looked at me. "Are you sure you don't wanna dance?" 

I nodded and smiled. "Yes I'm sure. I don't like slow dancing as much." 

"Have you ever even tried it?" He asked me. 

I thought back to one of my memories. I was on my home island and my crush who had silver hair asked me to slow dance. We danced to our favourite slow song. (Sora's memories.)

"Yeah, I did." I said, smiling to myself. He smiled back. 

"Did it go wrong or something?" He laughed. 

"No, I just only like to slow dance with him." I said. He nodded understandingly. 

I looked up at him. "Thank you for helping me today." 

He smiled. "You're welcome." 

We waited for the slow song to end, watching Roxas and Axel slow dance together. 

I had a hard time with picking a scenario for these two, so I just improvised and came up with this! Hope you liked it! 

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