Roxas x Demyx

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Ship suggestion: Zazzel95

Roxas' POV

I got assigned a mission with Demyx. We were ordered to go to Olympics Coliseum to train. So, I met up with Demyx in the sitting room. He groaned with annoyance once Saix gave him a glare.

"I guess we should get going then." I said, gesturing towards Saix's glare.

Demyx nodded and made a portal, walking inside. I followed after him.

We met a guy named Phil and he set us up in the arena.

"Who's going first?" Phil asked. I looked at Demyx and he looked at me. I cocked my head to the side and he rolled his eyes.

He walked in the middle of the arena and waited for his opponents. I sat beside Phil and watched.

Ten heartless appeared around him and slowly headed towards him.
Demyx's eyes widened.

"I'm not ready!!" He yelled, running past a heartless and running to the edge of the arena, looking at us.

"Roxas help!" Demyx yelled, looking scaredly back at the creatures making their way to him.

I sighed and walked down the steps and made my way to him. I took out my keyblade and took down each heartless on my own.

I looked at Demyx in disbelief.

"Whaaat? I haven't fought one in forever... I'm out of practice." He said, scratching the back of his neck.

I shook my head with annoyance and waited for the rest of the heartless. 

"Are you gonna help me this time?" I asked him, looking over my shoulder at him.

He nodded slowly and took out his sitar, standing next to me.

Then armoured heartless showed up, with some flying ones. I got in my ready stance and he hesitantly did the same.

Then we charged at them. I went after the armoured ones and Demyx went after the flying ones. Once that wave was finished, me and Demyx were breathing heavily, resting our hands on our knees.

Then three big heartless showed up, they were the fire ones. Demyx smirked.

"Water beats fire." He said confidently. I smirked back and we charged towards them.

As I attacked the first one, I felt a sudden burning on my back. I turned around and the third one was shooting flames at my back. It was starting to affect me more. I yelled in pain, running to the side to get away but the first one I was fighting stopped me. He hit me with his huge stomach and I fell on my back.

"Ahh!" I cried in pain. I didn't even have time to get up and defend myself. They both started shooting flames at me. I tried to roll away but couldn't. I squeezed my eyes shut as the flames burned my skin.

"Roxas!" Demyx yelled. I opened my eyes to see him attack one of them. I smiled slightly. Then the other one stopped shooting flames at me, building up his power.

I took this chance to get up and attack it, hitting his back harshly with my keyblade. Then he disappeared and evaporated into the air. I watched as the heart floated up.

"Are you okay?" Demyx asked, resting his hand on my arm. I flinched in pain from him touching one of my burns.

I looked into his eyes and noticed that he was genuinely worried about me. I blushed slightly.

"Y-Yes... thanks..." I said, straightening up and using cure on me, getting rid of all my burns.

I turned to him and smiled. "Thank you for helping me."

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