Roxas x Axel

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Roxas' POV

For some reason, Axel asked Xion to stay back this time and not join us on the clock tower. I didn't know why, but he said he had a surprise.

Me and Axel have been dating for a while now. Probably around two years?

I finished my mission with Xaldin, then headed to the clock tower. Once I got up there, Axel was standing there, holding flowers and smiling brightly at me.

I smiled with my mouth open and blushed. "Axel..." I said, walking over to him.

He held out the flowers to me and I blushed harder.

"These are for you, baby." He said. I looked down at the flowers in my hand. Red roses. They were beautiful.

He reached down and gave me a soft kiss on the forehead. I smiled.

"I also made us dinner." He said, looking behind him. I gasped with excitement and Axel grabbed my hand and held it, bringing me over to the towel on the ground. We sat down on either side, facing each other.

"I know how much you love mac and cheese, so I made you some." He said, smiling. I blushed even harder.

"Awe babe that's so sweet!" I cried happily. He let out a happy laugh and handed me my plate.

We ate together, talking and laughing. Here and there I would look out at the sunset, admiring it's beauty.

"Thank you for this babe. It's very sweet of you." I said. He reached over and grabbed my hand and held it.

"Roxas?" He asked.

"Yes?" I asked.

He smiled and stood up, bringing me with him. He held both my hands in his.

"During my entire existence... I felt alone... but when I was with you... I felt alive... you made me feel amazing... you make me feel like I have a heart... I love you so much, Roxas... and..." He started, tears were forming in his eyes.

He got down on one knee and pulled out a box.

I gasped and my eyes widened. I brought my hands to my face and covered my mouth. I couldn't help it and I started to cry.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So, will you marry me, Roxas?" He asked.

I started to sob happily. I can't believe this day came!

"Y-Yes! Y-yes I'll marry you!" I cried. He let out a happy cry and grabbed my left hand, taking off the glove and sliding on the ring. The ring was beautiful! It was a golden ring with the words: YOU MAKE ME FEEL, LIKE I HAVE A HEART were written on it. He stood up and picked me up, I wrapped my arms around him tightly and we shared a tight embrace.

I couldn't stop sobbing. He was crying too.

"I love you so much, Axel!" I cried.

"I love you so much too!"


Later, we shared the news with everyone and everyone was happy for us. They decided to host a wedding for us.

The wedding was beautiful. We shared loving vows to each other, and we shared a beautiful kiss. This is the man that I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with.

Hehe... Hope you liked this!

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