Larxene x Marluxia

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Larxene's POV 

I've been watching Marluxia for a while now. He has an effect on me... a really sappy effect... I hate it. It makes me weak. I can't be seen as weak. I just can't. But when I'm with him... I feel amazing... I feel like I have a heart again... 

He was talking with Lexaeus and Luxord in the living room. I stood a few feet away, watching him while leaning against the wall. 

I know I probably seemed like a creep. But I didn't care. 

"Hey, Larxene!" Someone called on the other side of me. I turned to them and saw Vexen walking towards me. 

"What?" I asked, annoyed. 

"Me and Zexion were wondering if you could help us with an experiment?" He said. 

"Why me? There's 13 other nobodies here." I said, crossing my arms. 

"There's no apparent reason. We just need two other hands." He said. 

"Ugh... what's in it for me?" I asked. 

"Gives you something to do?" He suggested. 

I sighed, rolling my eyes. "Fine. But only because I'm bored." 

He smirked and nodded. "Alright! Let's go at once then." 


They were making this potion that turned people into babies. I'm not sure why they wanted that, but whatever. 

They had me stirring the pot that held the potion. They were adding things in as I stirred. It smelled... kind of good. 

"So... why are you making this?" I asked, keeping my eyes on the liquid in the pot. 

"To prank some nobodies in the organization." Zexion said, sprinkling in some powder. 

"You're not planning to use it on me, right?" I asked, meeting Zexion's eyes. 

He smirked. "No, we're not." 

"Good, I would've clawed you're eyes out." I said. "Does this effect last long?" 

"Only for two hours." Vexen said, throwing in a finger. I scrunched my face in disgust. 

"Why do you have a finger?!" I asked, looking at him with disgust. 

"I took it off of some people." He said simply. 

"That's disgusting. All for a prank." I said, looking away and back at the potion. It was turning a dark pink. 

"This prank is worth it." Zexion said, smelling the potion. 

Suddenly, the door to the lab opened, revealing Marluxia. Our eyes met, making me feel weird inside. I quickly looked away and back at the pot. 

"Marluxia! What brings you here?" Vexen asked. 

"I was searching for Larxene." He said. I looked up and met his eyes again. He walked to me and stood beside me, smiling at me softly. I managed to smile back. 

"I found you." He said, looking at the pot. 

I let out a breathy laugh. "Why were you looking for me?" 

"Just wanted to see you. What're you doing?" He asked. 

"I-I'm making a potion... well, helping Vexen and Zexion with one." I said, looking at the pot. 

"She's being a great help." Zexion said, throwing something in the pot. 

My hand started to hurt from stirring so much. I winced when I felt a sharp pain in my wrist. 

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