Larxene x Marluxia

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Ship suggestion: X_Cat_Nobody

Larxene's POV

Me and Marluxia are an inseparable pair. We love each other. But we aren't all cheesy about it. We cause mischief together instead.

We like to prank other members, steal their stuff, cause people to fight... we love it.

Sometimes Xigbar will join in because he likes mischief as well.

Today, me and Marluxia planned that we'd shoot people with water balloons, but instead of water, it would be black paint.

I met up with Marluxia in his room. He was setting up the balloons. He turned to look at me and smiled, I smiled back.

"Almost done?" I asked. He nodded. "On the last one."

I helped him separate each balloon evenly in our own buckets.

Together we made our way to the lobby, where Luxord and Vexen were sitting. We smirked at each other. He pointed to the roof and I looked to where he was looking. There was a small platform for us to sit on. I smirked and we made our way up quietly.

I went for Vexen and he went for Luxord.

We ease dropped on their conversation for a bit before dropping a balloon on their heads. It exploded all over the place, black paint staining their hair and skin.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Luxord yelled, standing up and wiping his eyes. Vexen was freaking out as well, trying to get the paint out of his eyes.

Me and Marluxia snickered together, high fiving each other at our accomplishment. 

Then we made our way to Zexion and Demyx, who were sitting with Axel and Roxas in the dinning hall.

"I'll get Roxas and Axel. You get Zexion and Demyx." I whispered. He smirked and nodded.

I sneaked behind a pillar that was behind Roxas and Axel.

"I wonder what scheme Larxene and Marluxia have next." Axel said. Roxas nodded. "I hope it isn't as bad as last time... last time they shot us with used tampons! How gross!" Roxas complained, gagging afterwards.

I held in my laugh as I threw the first one, hitting Roxas in the back of his head, black paint splattering in his hair and dripping down his neck. Some paint had made it's way to Axel's cheek.

"Ahh!" Roxas yelled. Just as Axel looked back, I threw a balloon straight at Axel's face.

"Gah!" He yelled, putting both hands on his face and trying to get the paint of his eyes. I laughed hard, holding my stomach in pain from the laughter.

Then Marluxia hit Zexion and Demyx at the same time, catching them off guard.

Then we quickly ran away, meeting up in the hall.

"Oh my god! That was hilarious!" I laughed, resting against Marluxia. He laughed as well.

"That was so worth it." He laughed.

Then we made our way to Xion, then Xaldin, then Xigbar, then Saix.

Saix didn't react so friendly...

We decided on not doing Xemnas, because that would result in a bad ending.

We went back to Marluxia's room and sat down on his bed.

"I had a lot of fun with you today." I said, smiling at him. Sometimes I like to be cheesy...

"I had a lot of fun with you too." He said, smiling back. He leaned in and kissed me softly. I kissed back softly too.

Once we pulled away, I smirked.

"What's next?"

Hehe... Hope you liked this...

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