Xemnas The Parent Part Two

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Xemnas' POV

I walk into the nursery to check on the children.





It was horrible! Clothes everywhere, milk was spilt on the ground and the wall, toys were scattered everywhere, and chocolate wrappers were on the ground by Demyx.

I glared at Demyx and he flinched.

"Clean this room RIGHT NOW!" I yelled.

The older kids are quite capable of cleaning themselves. Roxas on the other hand, can't. He's too young. He doesn't walk yet.

I cross my arms as I watch them clean their messes.

Axel walked up to me with big eyes plastered on his face. "Can I get a wet cloth?" He asked.

I sighed and nodded. "Come on."

I held out my hand for him to take it and he did. We walked to the bathroom and I drenched a cloth in warm water, wringing it out afterwards so it wasn't sopping wet.

I handed Axel the cloth and he smiled up at me. "Thanks!"

We walked back to the nursery and I watched Axel scrub the milk off the wall and the floor.

"How did you get milk on the wall and floor, Axel?" I asked.

"Um... I was tryna to give Roxas his bottle of milk, but he didn't want it... so he smacked it away from my hands and it spilt everywhere..." He said sadly.

I sighed. "It's okay. Thank you for trying."

He smiled and nodded.

I looked over at Demyx and he was gathering his chocolate wrappers. I walked over to him and sighed.

"Did you eat those chocolate bars on your own?" I asked.

He shook his head no quickly. "No! I didn't! Xiggy had some too!"

I turned to Xigbar, the oldest child, and sighed. "You're supposed to be the mature one, Xigbar. You shouldn't have ate this much chocolate. It's not healthy. And you know that."

Xigbar sighed sadly. "Sorry, Xemnas..."

"I'm gonna have to ground you both." I said.

Demyx whined. "But he gave me the chocolate!"

"Doesn't matter. You still ate more than one." I said.

Demyx pouted.

"You can pout all you want. It won't change your grounding." I said.

Xigbar walked over to Demyx and hugged him. "We can hangout during our grounding, Demyx!"

Demyx smiled. "Okay!~"

I sighed yet again and looked over at Xaldin and Lexaeus who were throwing clothes at each other.

"Hey! You're supposed to be putting those away, not throwing them at each other! Stop it right now!" I yelled.

Xaldin and Lexaeus immediately stopped in their tracks and looked at me wide eyed.

"O-Okay, Xemnas!" Xaldin said shakily, grabbing a hand full of clothes and bringing them to the dresser. Lexaeus joined in, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Xemnas! Your newest baby has just arrived!" Xehanort said at the door. He walked in and gestured for someone to walk in.

Ansem walked in, holding a baby girl in his arms. He looked at me and smiled. "She's roughly the same age as Roxas."

I sighed with annoyance and fatigue. "Another kid? Really? Do you see what I have to deal with on a daily basis? Now you're adding a thirteenth kid?"

Xehanort smiled. "Yup! But don't worry, that's it."

I examined the little girl with annoyance. "What's her name?"

"Xion." Ansem said.

Xion opened her eyes and looked at me. Her bright blue eyes were shinning up at me. I smiled at her, causing her to smile back.

"Here." Ansem said, handing me Xion.

I held her in my arms, smiling down at her. "Alright... she's a sweetheart."

"Isn't she?" Ansem said, smiling.

I looked at the other kids who were watching me with interest.

"Who's tat?" Marluxia asked.

"This is Xion." I said, smiling at them.

Larxene giggled. "Yay! I'm nat the only girl here!"

"That's right, Larxene." I said.

Ansem and Xehanort stayed for the rest of the night, helping me take care of the children.

Hope you liked part two! I will probably make part three. If I do, it will be focused more on the relationships between Xemnas and each of the kids.

Organization 13 mini stories!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat