Zexion x Demyx

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Demyx's POV

Today Axel is hosting a party in the basement. I'm helping him set it up. We didn't really get Xemnas' permission, but it's our day off, he doesn't care. Maybe he'll join the party? 

"Demyx! Come on hurry up!" Axel yelled. I rolled my eyes, picking up the huge box of beer and other types of alcohol. Axel insisted on having alcohol at this party. 

I brought the box to him, then went back for the other box. "You think this is enough?" I asked, looking at the two boxes in front of the table. 

"Yeah should be." He said, grabbing some bottles and setting them on the table. 

"Can you get the snacks?" He asked me. I sighed and nodded. I walked to the kitchen and grabbing some chips and chocolate, even some candy. I headed for the door but was surprised to see someone standing there. 

"Zexion?" I asked. Zexion smiled. 

"Hey Demyx. I heard there's a party tonight?" He asked. 

I smiled and nodded. "Yup. Are you... gonna come?" I asked, blushing a bit. I really wanted him to come... 

He thought for a moment. "I might." 

I smiled. "You should. It's gonna be fun!" 

He smiled back. "I hope so." He then went to the fridge and rummaged for food. I let him be and walked back to Axel, thinking about the conversation we just had. 

I dropped the snacks on the table and Axel smiled. "I didn't know we had all these snacks!" He said excitedly. 

I smiled. "Same here." 

I set up the snacks in some bowls and Axel finished with the drinks. 

"Alright! Next is décor and music!" Axel said. I sighed and nodded, not wanting to do all that work. 

"Hey wait! Can I maybe play a song tonight? With my sitar?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. 

"Sure, why not?" He said. I smiled. 

"Thanks man!" 


We finished with everything and just in time too, everyone started walking in and doing their own thing. 

I smiled as I watched everyone, loving how much fun they are having! Then I saw Zexion talking with Xigbar near the food table. He was smirking and holding an unopened Liquor bottle. Zexion was shaking his head but Xigbar kept pushing the bottle closer. Until finally, Zexion accepted and grabbed the bottle from him. 

I watched worriedly. Xigbar waited until Zexion took a drink. He spit it out from the burning. Xigbar touched his shoulder and said a few more words. Zexion looked at him sadly and took a few drinks, not spitting it out this time. 

Oh no... I hurried over to them but was stopped by Axel. 

"Hey man! Ready to perform?" He asked. I looked back at Zexion worriedly, then I was pulled by Axel towards the spot where the microphone was. I guess I didn't have a choice. 

I grabbed my sitar and took a deep shaky breath. 

I started playing one of my originals, rocking out. Though, I couldn't stop thinking about Zexion... 

After I finished playing, I quickly made my way to Zexion, but he wasn't at the drink table anymore. I couldn't see Xigbar either... 

"Fuck!" I whispered. 

I quickly looked around but I still couldn't find them. 

"Demyx! That show was amazing!" Xigbar yelled behind. I turned around and he looked drunk. 

"Thanks... hey, wheres Zexion?" I asked. He smirked. 

"Probably puking in the bathroom because he's so drunk. I got him to drink straight up liquor man!" He said. 

My eyes widened. "You did what?!" I glared at him and quickly made my way to the bathroom, hoping he was there. 

Sure enough, he was throwing up in one of the stalls. 

"Zexion? Open up." I said. 

"No... I don't want you... t-t-o ssee me l-like thiss.." He struggled to say. Right after, he threw up. 

I sighed. "Come on... open up." 

He hesitated. Then he flushed the toilet and unlocked the stall. I quickly opened it to see him laying against the toilet, eyes half shut, hair full of puke and a liquor bottle on the floor. It was empty. 

"Geez Zexion..." I said, bending down and grabbing him by the waist. He wrapped his arm around my neck. I brought him to his room. 

I shut his door and I carefully laid him down on his bed. I tried to stand up straight but he kept his arms around me tightly. 

"Z-Zexion..." I said. He smiled. 

"S-Stay wiht m-e..." He muttered, reaching up and planting a few kisses on my neck. 

"Z-Zexion... stop..." I said, but he wouldn't stop. "Seriously I'm...-" 

He interrupted me by biting my ear. I shut my eyes and gripped Zexion's sleeve. 

"Okay... that's enough..." I said, lightly pushing him off. That was enough to get him to stop. He plopped down on the bed and smiled. 

"Cuddle with me?..." He asked sleepily. I sighed and nodded. He moved to the other side of the bed and smiled. 

"Be the bigger spoon..." He said. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist, cuddling into his neck. 

"I-I like you... Demyx..." He muttered. I smiled. 

"I like you too Zexion." 

I hope you liked this!! Please don't judge me! XD 

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