Xemnas The Parent

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Picture them as little kids.

Third Person POV

Xemnas had been tasked to rule the organization. But he did not know that the members were babies. 

He groaned with annoyance as he walked in to the nursery. All twelve toddlers / babies were playing around or sleeping. 

Xemnas shut the door and grabbed the first bottle that had Xigbars name on it. He fed Xigbar then fed each baby. 

Then, Axel and Demyx started to climb onto Xemnas, gripping his sleeves and making their way up. Xemnas didn't know what to do so he let it go. They reached his shoulders and they sat on each other, gripping his hair for leverage. 

Xemnas sighed and picked Roxas up, holding him in his arms. Roxas was the youngest one here. He was the most fragile. 

Axel watched him with interest. Roxas opened his eyes, looking up at Xemnas. Xemnas couldn't help but smile at him. Roxas smiled back and giggled like a baby does. 

Axel giggled too, getting Roxas' attention. Axel smiled at Roxas, causing Roxas to giggle again. 

Xemnas smiled at Axel. "He likes you, Axel." He said, thinking about a time when Roxas cried when Larxene tried to talk to him. 

Axel smiled. 

Later that day, Xemnas played games with them, fed them again, changed their diapers, then put them to sleep. 

Xemnas sighed tiredly. Then Xehanort showed up and stood beside Xemnas, watching the kids sleep. 

"You're doing a good job." Xehanort said. Xemnas crossed his arms. "Thanks." 

Hehe just a little baby cuteness! Enjoy! 

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