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Roxas' POV

Today is the basketball tournament. Us in the organization always have one every year on this day.

My team always wins. That's because I'm put on a team with the tall people who are amazing at basketball.

The teams go like this:


- Roxas

- Axel

- Demyx

- Zexion

- Xigbar

- Lexaeus


- Xaldin

- Vexen

- Saix

- Luxord

- Marluxia

- Larxene

Xemnas usually keeps track of the score. (Xion is gone)

So, I met up with Axel and Demyx outside in the yard where the basketball nets were. Xemnas had gotten us black track pants or shorts, and a black tee shirt. We kept our usual shoes on.

"Are you guys ready to win?!" Axel cheered. Me and Demyx high fived each other, smirking from our past victories.

"Oh we're gonna beat their asses again this year!" Demyx said. I laughed. Then the rest of our team showed up, wearing their basket ball outfits.

We all high fived each other.

"Is everyone coming?" I asked. Xigbar nodded.

"Yeah they were right behind us." He said, looking at the doors to go back inside. The other team started walking out, Xemnas behind them with the basket ball in hand.

"I'm so excited!" Axel cheered.

Xemnas stood in the middle of us teams, talking about the rules. Though we know these rules by heart now.

"Now, pick one person from each team to rock paper scissors." He said.

We voted Axel to go up. The other team picked Saix.

Axel and Saix stood face to face. They started their one round of RPS.

Axel won the first one. Saix won the second. Then...

"Rock paper scissors!" They shouted.

Saix won.

"Alright! Saix's team has the ball first." Xemnas said, tossing the ball to Saix who caught it with ease. Axel and Saix had a small stare down, then Axel joined us, getting in his position.

We all already knew who we were blocking.

Roxas - Larxene

Axel - Saix

Xigbar - Xaldin

Demyx - Luxord

Zexion - Vexen

Lexaeus - Marluxia

So, we all stood on our sides of the court, facing our partners. I was very unfortunate to be partnered with Larxene. She's very violent when it comes to this stuff.

She cracked her neck. then her knuckles, staring me down. I gulped nervously.

"Ready... set... GO!" Xemnas yelled, blowing his whistle.

Saix acted quickly, dribbling the ball forward. Axel smirked and ran towards him, blocking him from moving in any direction. Larxene ran behind Axel and held out her arms, gesturing for Saix to pass. Saix stopped and tossed the ball at her. I ran and grabbed the ball just in time.

Axel smirked and ran a good few feet away from me, so did Demyx and Xigbar. Zexion stayed close, holding out his arms and trying to get pass his blocker.

Larxene would not get out of my face. I started dribbling, moving to the left and running closer to Zexion.

"Zexion!" I yelled, throwing the ball towards him. Zexion's eyes widened but he caught it perfectly. He started running towards the net. I followed.

"COME ON GET IT!" Larxene yelled behind me, running after me.

Zexion passed the ball to Demyx who passed it to Axel. Then just as I got to the net, Axel passed it to me and I jumped, throwing the ball into the net.

"YES!" Axel yelled, high fiving me. I smiled and cheered.

We restarted our positions, and started the next round.

Axel's POV

Roxas started with the ball since he got the goal. He started dribbling, running straight for the net. I followed running to the left of the net and Demyx to the right. Saix quickly ran in front of me, blocking me.

Larxene got all up in Roxas' face, not allowing him to go anywhere else. So he stopped running and made eye contact with me. I nodded and he threw the ball at me. I ran out of Saix' reach and caught the ball.

I didn't dribble, I just made eye contact with Xigbar and he nodded. I passed him the ball and he jumped, getting it straight into the net.

"YES!! ANOTHER GOAL!" I cheered. Saix glared at me. I smirked at him.

The game continued like that. Eventually the other team got one goal. But we won by 5 / 2

I went to Roxas and picked him up, spinning him around. He laughed and smiled.

He's the one who got the last goal, the winning goal. Everyone on our team started piling around and cheering with us.

"Roxas! Roxas! Roxas! Roxas!" The team cheered, causing Roxas to blush and smile. I could tell he was enjoying the attention.

I put him down after a while, and everyone started going back inside. But the other team stayed outside, plotting their revenge.

Hope you liked this! There will most likely be another one shot with another basketball tournament!

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