Chapter 1 - Another Hypocrite

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He sighed. The rain was letting up as he watched the graveyard disappear in through the car window. Of course, it had to be one of those cliché funerals where it's raining and everyone carries a black umbrella.

"You'll like it in Busan, Taehyung. The house is pretty big, so you can have your own room."

He didn't respond. His Aunt Nabi looked through the mirror and exhaled. There was no point in trying at the moment. He had just said goodbye to his parents. Why would he want to talk after that?

Moving didn't seem like a big deal on the outside. He never had many friends, and his grades weren't anything to clap for. The problems lied with his family. His parents that did their best for him.

They were his light. He always loved seeing them together lightly flirting or just spending time together. But then...But then one day they never came home. Kim Taehyung was forced to lose his parents in a hit-and-run car crash.

The police were still looking for the murderer and, to be honest, Taehyung knew they wouldn't find him. Still, he pretended to believe and trust in their encouraging words.

Now that his parents were gone, custody was passed to his aunt. He was to move in with her and her three children somewhere in Busan. He never really cared too much to interact with other family members, especially his cousins.

Because of this, he didn't know them well. He had to leave his comfortable home, where all of his happy memories were created, and move to a house with rowdy preteens. Great. No more peace.

Taehyung continued to stare out the car window, but after a while, he wasn't really seeing anything. He just wanted to go home. But...

That home didn't exist anymore. 


 A week later, the winter season having started with a small blizzard, Taehyung opened the door and stepped out of his aunt's car. He looked around the snow-covered area and sighed. Aunt Nabi went around and opened the trunk.

"Here, Taehyung! Come get your bags."

He nodded and went over to her. Grabbing all of his stuff, he followed his aunt up to the door and she unlocked it.

"The kids are still in school right now, but they'll be here in a few hours. This is your room." She walked down the hall and up the stairs, opening a door on the left wall.

"Decorate it how you want. Whatever makes you feel more at home."

"No amount of decoration can make this feel like home."

Nabi smiled sadly.

"I know it's hard for you, but please try to cooperate. After a while, you'll get used to it."

"I'm sorry to burden you, Aunt Nabi."

"No, I'm okay. Now, unpack and get comfortable. I'll heat up some dinner for when your cousins get here."

Giving him a light tap on the shoulder, she turned and went back down the stairs. Taehyung looked around the room—his new bedroom.

Without much choice, he began to unpack and imagine in his head where he wanted everything to go. 


He knew they had arrived by the sudden burst of sound from downstairs. Rolling his eyes, Taehyung sat up from his bed with an irritated sigh.

"Time for the show."

Making his way downstairs, Taehyung was greeted with three slightly familiar faces. There was a girl who was about 13 arguing with a boy about the same age. Given their very similar facial features, Taehyung figured those were the twins Boyoung and Bogum.

Then there was a kid probably about 15 with glasses on her pretty face. She seemed to be the quietest of the three. She sat calmly at the kitchen island with some headphones covering her ears. Kyung Mi.

"Um, hey." Taehyung cleared his throat.

The twins turned to look at him, surprised by his sudden appearance.

"Taehyung Oppa?"

Okay. Being called 'oppa' by someone you've never taken the time to get to know felt a bit awkward. It made Taehyung feel a bit guilty.

"I moved in today. Just thought I would come say hi, so..."

Looking away, he trailed off. Boyoung beamed at him.

"That's awesome! Now you can beat up Bogum for me!"

"Hey! What the heck, Boyoung?!"

She stuck her tongue out at her twin brother. Taehyung shook his head and made his way over to the still oblivious Kyung Mi. She removed her headphones after he tapped on her shoulder.


"Sorry to disturb you, I was just trying to say hi."

"Oh...well, hi there." She gave him a small, sweet smile.

He returned it and waved goodbye. At least she seems bearable. I don't know about those twins. Aunt Nabi walked into the kitchen and gave a motherly smile to all the younger ones.

"Good, you're all here. I'll finish up dinner then. Oh, Taehyung!" She turned towards him.

"I talked to the high school. You'll start Monday."

"Okay." He simply nodded. 


After dinner, Taehyung made sure to lock his bedroom door at the risk of one of the twins trying to bust in. Yep, he was prepared. Now, he dried his wet hair from the shower he had just taken.


He crashed onto his bed. He just wanted his life back. His parents. His old home. But they weren't coming back. Some evil bastard purposely took them away from him.

All of a sudden, Taehyung really hated the world. He hated humans. Why must they be so cruel? Why must they be so hypocritical? They deserved the pain they received after all the pain they cause others.

Maybe that was it. Maybe he had done something in the past that hurt another. Maybe that was why his only happiness was taken from him. Maybe that was why he had been left all alone—abandoned in this world.

A tear trickled out from the corner of Taehyung's eye. Maybe he was just another hypocrite in this fucked world.



So how was it? Terrible, right? I'm trying. I never was the best at English yet I was in advanced classes. I finally opted out this coming semester. I can't handle all the pressure of being smart and perfect. I'm not despite what everyone says about me. Hope you enjoy the rest of the story.

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