Chapter 7 - Chasing Her

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Another week passed without Sooyun going to school. Taehyung did his best to distract himself with hanging out with his friends. It surprised him how much he had grown to like the little gang of misfits. Sure, they influenced some bad decisions, but he didn't mind.

It was exciting and he liked it. He liked causing a bit of trouble every now and then. He still hadn't entirely opened up to them, but he was comfortable with the four guys. It was the first time he felt so alive. Running around with this small crew that happily welcomed him in.

They were real friends he could trust. Taehyung discovered that fairly quickly and it made his heart warm.

"Taehyung~! Let me copy your homework really quickly."

He grumbled as he searched his bag before handing his homework to Youngjae who beamed at him. "Thanks, Tae!"

"Yeah, yeah. Where's Yugyeom? I haven't seen him today." Youngjae looked up from copying and shrugged.

"He may be dealing with his parents' crap again."

"'Again'?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow. Youngjae nodded with a sad exhale. "Yugyeom's parents fight a lot and are planning on getting a divorce. It's kind of a good thing for him if his dad gets custody since his mom is a bit abusive."

"Oh..." Taehyung glanced out the window. Hearing about the trouble Yugyeom's going through makes him think about his own deceased parents.


"Huh?" He jumped and turned to a curious Youngjae.

"You okay?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Hurry up and copy."


A sluggish Taehyung opened the front door to the house to have his ears immediately be hit with the sound of shouting and the TV. He sighed as he wasn't really in the mood to deal with all the noise and the chatterbox twins.


"But you're on the phone, though!"

"So?! Give it back!"

"No! I want to watch my show!"

"But I was watching Strong Woman Bong Soon!"

"You can't watch it and talk on the phone at the same time!"

Taehyung watched as Bogum stuck his tongue out at his twin sister then hop over the couch.

"HEY!" Boyoung dropped her phone and started chasing after him. Taehyung massaged his temples as he made his way upstairs, trying his best to stay out of the way when pillows and other random household objects began flying around the room.

He dropped his bag on the floor of his room instantly. "Aish..."

His thoughts were filled with his parents. Memories of the happy couple showing their best smiles to their son flooded in his mind like a river in a rainstorm. Since he arrived in Busan, there had been many things to distract him from thinking about his dead parents.

Now, thanks to the conversation with Youngjae that morning, he couldn't ignore the thoughts anymore. Tae's parents were dead. There was no ignoring it. He hadn't cried since the night he was told of their deaths. That was a month and a half ago.

A really good cry. He hadn't had one in a while. Sure, a few times a tear or two trickled from his eyes, but those didn't count. He needed to bawl his eyes out. Sob like he's never sobbed before. That's what he needed.

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