Chapter 9 - Thoughts

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"What happened to you?! Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine, Jungkook." Sooyun limped into her house and towards her room. Jungkook wasn't having it, though. He swiftly moved in, lifting her up bridal style and carrying her to the couch. With a sigh, Sooyun knew better than to protest.

"Whose blood is that?" Jungkook demanded as he sat next to his sister with a sickly worried expression.

"Nobody important. Just a random rogue who's had a bit too much human blood to function right. I finished him off, don't worry."

"How can I not worry? There's been an increase in rogues around here lately. What if another one attacks? And what happened to your foot?"

Sooyun shrugged. "I'll handle it."

Jungkook lifted her legs up onto his lap and examined the wrapping on his sister's ankle with concern and suspicion. "Who patched you up?" He looked up into her face.

"I snuck into the school and did when the nurse went out." He narrowed his eyes, doubting her story almost completely.

"Really? Are you sure?"

"How can I not be sure of what my own person did?" She scoffed.

Jungkook exhaled and relaxed a bit.

"Does it hurt too bad? Anywhere else?"

"No, I'm fine. Just tired so..." Jungkook nodded and stood up, moving her legs back down. "Do you want anything? Are you thirsty?"

She shook her head. "I just want a shower and some sleep."

"Okay. I'll help you to the bathroom then." And he picked her up bridal style again, walking towards the bathroom that was conveniently located closest to Sooyun's bedroom.

Once her brother had left her alone, Sooyun undressed and got into the shower, careful of her wound. As the warm water rained down on her bare body, Sooyun thought back to Taehyung's words.

It clicked in her brain why he wouldn't let her look away. It was because he didn't want her to doubt him. He wanted to make sure she could read him, see right through him and know what he was thinking. And she did. As much as she searched, as much as she wanted to find even the tiniest of lies, she couldn't.

He really did mean everything he said to her. Every feeling and every breath he took. The smiles he had shown her, the kindness and care. It was all real. But why? Why did he think these things? Why was he so confident that she was worth all the pain? Why could he smile at her like nothing was wrong?

Sooyun sighed and turned the water off. She peeked out of the room to make sure her brother wasn't around, then hurried inside her bedroom and locked the door. In just a few minutes, she was dressed in a thick sweater and comfortable shorts. She made sure her wound was okay before landing on her bed.

She stared at the ceiling. His smile swirled around in her head. It was a box-like smile and a handsome one at that. This strange, incredibly handsome boy just moves into town and starts preaching about how valuable she is. What a joke. She laughed to herself. She laughed at herself.


Taehyung sat at his desk sketching stuff. He felt good. Relieved. Like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He had gotten only half of what he wanted to say off his chest, but that was enough. As long as she got the message, it was fine. He was content.

Sure, she was freezing cold. Like, his hand was burning and for a second Taehyung thought he might die of hypothermia. But he held on. At some point, he got used to it as they talked.

Yeah, so she has a crazy intimidating brother who is no doubt a vampire like her and could totally rip Taehyung's head off faster than he could blink. And maybe she can't exactly say she's full until she's had a large cup of O negative or something. And her eyes. To some, they may be freaky or odd.

Not Taehyung. He thought her eyes were the most beautiful eyes he'd ever seen. He found her unique eye color intriguing and artistic. The small mischievous glint he found in them told him that she really was a playful and sweet girl deep down. Ah. Her icy purple orbs. He could just drown in them.

For a second, Taehyung forgot what he was doing. He glanced down at the picture he had been working on. He chuckled at himself and shook his head.

That's how much she interests him. That's how much she clouds his mind every day. That's how much he wants to look at her beautiful face and stare into her gorgeous eyes. Have the image of her in his head forever, as clear as possible.

Taehyung had sketched a clean, intricate picture of Jeon Sooyun.


After dinner, Taehyung slumped back on the couch. The twins had run off to their room, so he could freely relax in the living room. Aunt Nabi walked out from the kitchen and smiled at her nephew.

"Evening, Tae."

He looked up and nodded, a quick and tiny smile shot at her. "Hey, Aunt Nabi."

"What are you thinking about?" She sat across from him in a recliner. He shrugged and stared in front. A sigh escaping her lips made his gaze return to her.

"I know you're uncomfortable here. I can see it every time I look at you. I know you're still upset over your parents and losing your home, but we've welcomed you openly here. Take your time in settling, and I'll be here when you're ready to talk."

"I'm sorry."

"No, I am." She shook her head and gave a motherly smile.

"I can never replace your mom and my brother. I can't be just like how your parents were. But it doesn't change the fact that we're blood. I love you, Taehyung. Like my own child."

Standing up and massaging his shoulder, Nabi left the room and left Taehyung with more thoughts.


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