Chapter 16 - The History of Us

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A low whistle blew through the cold night air. Baekhyun turned his head, "What was that?" It was heard again, but a bit louder. Then something cracked.

"What the fu-!" Seungcheol collapsed as a large brick landed on his back. Yoongi didn't understand, but he took off running again, grateful for the distraction. But he forgot something. Kyung Mi.

"Ah, crap! Kyung Mi!" He turned back around.


Kyung Mi was never good at running. And now she desperately wished she was. There was no point. She could still see the blur of him chasing right beside her. As he reached to grab her arm, a dark shadow snatched him up.

A strange, inhumane noise was cut off. Kyung Mi kept running. She could've sworn the other one was still chasing her, but his presence seemed to have disappeared a while back.

A screech was left in the air as she was snatched up in a blink. She was forced into a dark corner, her back against a cold cement wall and a hand over her mouth. She was on the verge of crying. Is this where she dies? The end of her story?

"Shh! Shut up already!" Someone complained about her whimpering. She opened her eyes and stared up at a tall, muscular entity pushing up on her body. But it wasn't in a nasty way, more of a...protective way. The sharp jaw line and dark, raven hair. It was an attractive side profile.

He turned his head and looked down at her, his black eyes with a fading red meeting her hazel brown ones. He removed his hand from her mouth as she stared at him with parted lips. Her heart was pounding in her chest and there was a strange heat emitting from both of their bodies.

Jungkook leaned in and sniffed her hair, she flinched backwards but her back was already touching the wall. His eyes flickered down to hers in recognition. "You're...related to him," he mumbled.

"What?" she breathed out. Suddenly, it wasn't about the fear of dying and being chased. It was about how amazingly close their bodies were. She felt suffocated from his cold, yet strangely warm body touching hers.

She somehow managed to tear her eyes away from him and looked around. "Wh-What do you want with me? Is it because you hate my cousin?"

Jungkook arched a brow and cracked an amused, open-mouth smile. His vampire fangs clashing with his two front bunny-like teeth. Kyung Mi found them strange. Jungkook smirked at her.

"This has nothing to do with that prick. But seriously, who do you think scared them away?" The tilt of his head along with his playful and knowing expression told her what happened. He had saved her.

"C-Could you move away? I can't br-breathe..."

Jungkook took a step back, Kyung Mi heaving a gulp of air into her lungs. He eyed her curiously, a slight spark of interest flashed in his eyes before he remembered the situation.

"I'll lead you back to Hoseok, but don't tell anyone I was here or that I saved you." He turned and started to walk away. Kyung Mi hurried after him, still confused yet hyped. It was an exciting night, to say the least.


Yoongi looked around frantically. Kyung Mi and the vampires were nowhere to be found.

"Kyung Mi! KYUNG MI!"

He ran up the street and checked a few alleyways. "Dammit!"

A blur passed by him and he jumped, expecting Baekhyun or Seuncheol to attack him. Instead, a messy and exhausted Hoseok appeared before him.

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