Chapter 27 - Incantation of Peace

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He sniffed and his voice cracked, "Give me the chance to be your brother," he whispered.

Jimin's eyes widened. His chest felt warm all of a sudden and a softness fought its way through to the surface of his eyes.


Hoseok smiled and nodded, loosening his hold on the younger. He carefully stood up and helped Jimin up as well. Jimin bit his lip and looked down, Hoseok's loving smile making him feel strange.

"HOSEOK! WATCH OUT!" Jungkook's cry rang out, startling the other two.

But the warning was too late, a shadow shooting by and snatching Jimin away. Hoseok looked on in terror as he saw Park Jaemin holding Jimin by his neck near the drop-off.

Jimin had pure fear in his eyes, "D-Dad..."

With no emotions, the man he called father stabbed his hand into his son's abdomen. Jungkook tripped down the hill in shock. Hoseok's face turned red.


The color and life started to drain from Jimin's eyes. A tear slid down his cheek as heartbreak and betrayal clouded his heart. Then his dying body was flung over the edge of the drop-off. Hoseok felt his heart crack as tears spilled from his eyes.


He scrambled over to the edge and peered over. He shook his head violently. "N-No...please..."

Jungkook lost it. He had never moved so fast. He ripped open Park Jaemin's throat without a second thought, flinging the body down to rip at his stomach next. It was a bloody mess when Jungkook was done.

He huffed and gasped for air, turning to face his broken hyung. "H-Hoseok Hyung..." he tried to approach the older.

Jungkook startled as Hoseok suddenly tried to throw himself off the ledge. He rushed to his side and held him back, the older flailing about and fighting desperately.


Jungkook kept his hold strong as he forced Hoseok slightly away from the edge. "Hyung, please calm down!"


Jungkook clenched his jaw. "HYUNG!"

Hoseok stopped struggling, breathing extremely heavy and sobbing into the cold air. He dangled his upper body over Jungkook's arms that were wrapped around his torso.

"I thought I had been given a second chance...I thought I could save him...But I failed. I failed at being a brother...I failed him," the boy sobbed breathlessly.

Jungkook switched his hold, hugging him tightly in case he tried to jump again. His arms wrapped around the whole of Hoseok's upper body, Jungkook rocked him back and forth as they sat back in the red snow.


Yoongi groaned in pain and exertion as he made his way to the group. Hoseok, Jungkook, and Jimin were nowhere to be found. The jerk that summoned all of the now nearly obliterated rogue vampires had also disappeared.

"This is getting ridiculous! Where did those idiots go?"

Sooyun sat next to Taehyung clutching his hand as she shook her head. "I don't know, but I feel like something bad happened."

Right on cue, a blood-curdling, heart-stopping scream rung out and raped the others' ears.


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