Epilogue - The Truth Untold

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Taehyung said goodbye to Hoseok as they parted ways to go down separate hallways. Madam Ju Won led Jungkook and Tae outside to a large white church-looking building. There was a beautiful flower garden behind it.

"She's in here. Take your time, but the others will be waiting for you at the gate Kim Taehyung."

"Thank you, Madam Ju Won," Taehyung bowed respectfully and the woman left. Jungkook stared at the double doors of the church and sighed.

"After you," Taehyung gestured. Jungkook rolled his eyes and opened the doors to enter. Tae followed behind and they made their way towards the front. There was something similar to a coffin near the podium, but as they neared they could tell it was like a bed.

There inside lay Jeon Sooyun, sleeping peacefully. The hearts of both the boys clenched as they stared at the girl they both loved dearly. They fought over her safety just for her to sacrifice for the both of theirs. It was too late for regrets.

"She looks so peaceful," Taehyung murmured. The younger hummed in response and reached out to graze her cold arm with his fingers. The scars all the way up her arm reminded them of just how much she gave for them.

"...I can't help but feel like this was my fault. I wasn't a good enough brother to her and I kept her locked up for so long. She should've hated me, but she risked her life to save me."

Taehyung stepped closer to the coffin-bed and traced her cold jawline. "While that may be true, she chose to stay. It wasn't like she couldn't run, but she didn't want to leave you by yourself. It wasn't until after you marked her when she really felt confined. That's how I see it," Taehyung explained his accurate theory.

Jungkook scoffed, "How could you know so much about her? How were you always able to see through her when I as her brother could never tell when she was burdened or lonely?"

The older shrugged.

"Maybe we were just made for each other."

"Yeah, my ass." Jungkook turned around and walked back towards the doors. Taehyung lingered a bit longer, wanting to capture this image in his head.

He caressed her pale cheeks, trailed his hands down her cold arms, and squeezed her hand with so much love and care. And she lay there unmoving, just the slight rise and fall of her chest as she breathed.

"You just couldn't let me be the hero, could you?" he whispered. He leaned down to kiss her forehead, his warm lips slightly melting the icy skin it made contact with.

Pulling away, Taehyung gave one last sad smile before turning to walk out. Jungkook was standing outside by the door and Taehyung stopped to speak to him. "...She's going to be so weirded out when she wakes up, huh?" he chuckled dryly.

Jungkook looked away and stayed silent. Taehyung swiped his tongue over his bottom lip and nodded. "Ah, you don't think she'll wake up...do you?"

"Are you coming back after you fulfill your punishment?"

Jungkook shook his head after a while. "I don't know. I think I'll stay just a bit longer. Besides, someone's gotta take care of her," he gestured to the door with his head.

"Well, she's really lucky to have you. I'll feel better knowing you're here with her." Taehyung stuffed his hands in his jacket pockets. There was a short silence, but it wasn't uncomfortable.

Jungkook looked up into the older's eyes and nodded at him, "She'll wake up, Taehyung."

Taehyung gave a knowing smile, a smile that said 'I'll trust you.' He stepped closer and stuck his hand out. Jungkook returned the small, half smile and shook his hand. "Oh, and tell Kyung Mi that I'll miss her. She was good company."

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