Chapter 28 - Final Judgement

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The Coven. It's a large estate owned by the Gu family and has been passed down and revamped for a whole century. It's a long way away from the normal world of humans. To find it, you would need to have a vampire with you.

Time moves differently here. Once you enter the vicinity, which is humongous, time freezes for the next 12 hours. Therefore, when you leave the area within the 12 hours, it will be the same time as when you left.

This worked in the group's favor as they had been forced there by Gu Ju Won, the current head of the Coven. Sooyun had been taken away for inspection and healing. Now, the other four wait in a large sitting room for Jungkook as he speaks to Gu Ju Won about everything that happened.


"This place is weird," Taehyung states as they pass through the time warp and he physically feels the time switch up for a few seconds. Kyung Mi shivers but looks around curiously.

"Yeah, but it's intriguing. So much of the world we don't know about."

"I just hope they have somewhere for me to lay down," Hoseok pats Yoongi's shoulder and chuckles a bit at his statement.

Kyung Mi glances at Jungkook with worry and sympathy, "I know you're not okay, so I won't ask. But it'll get better."

He passes a short smile at her before returning to his frown. "This is the sitting room. Wait here while I discuss the events with Jungkook," Madam Ju Won commanded.

Yoongi furrowed his brow, "Now, wait a second you old hag-" Hoseok covered his boyfriend's mouth and shook his head, "Yoongi!"

"It's alright, Hyung. I'll be fine," Jungkook nodded his head before turning to walk away with Madam Ju Won. Kyung Mi gave him a sad glance as he passed.

Taehyung collapsed on one of the sofas and exhaled his loudest. It's been an emotional rollercoaster and he's just glad to have an intermission.

Yoongi grumbled and sat down with Hoseok, still a bit fired up. Hoseok patted his thigh to soothe him, but to be honest, he always thought his lover's fiery attitude was hot. It was somewhat sexy when he was pissed off.

Unless he's the one Yoongi was pissed off at.


Madam Ju Won sat down on a sofa in one of her many offices, gesturing Jungkook to do the same. He carefully sat next to her and fiddled with his fingers. "It's been a while, hasn't it Jungkook?" she said softly.

"Ah, yes ma'am, it has."

"I still remember. The day you showed up asking me for help, begging on your knees. How's it working out for you? The blessing?"

Jungkook looked down and nodded. "It's very useful, ma'am. Thank you."

" haven't been using it properly."

He shook his head in shame, thinking back on all of the people he hurt in the past, "No, I haven't."


Hoseok munched on his fingernails, Yoongi eventually slapping his hand away from his mouth with, "Stop that! We're all nervous."

"I know, but it's just taking so long! Plus, I've never entered the Coven before and I know people have picked up my half-breed scent. I'm probably being judged."

"Well, those people don't matter. The people in this room are the only ones and we don't care about your scent or your species, so stop fretting."

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