Chapter 10 - Acceptance

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"We going anywhere tonight, Hyung?"

Youngjae asked the hijinks coordinator, Jung Hoseok. Hoseok shrugged and sipped some of Yoongi's drink through a straw. Yoongi narrowed his eyes at the sight. Yugyeom and Tae were splitting a cookie.

"Was there anything you had in mind?"

"Not really. I was just bored and figured since it's Friday we could hang out. If there's nothing planned, I'll just sit at home and watch TV."

"Hm." Hoseok contemplated some ideas in his head. Yoongi, on the other hand, shook his head in disagreement.

"Nope. No trouble tonight. Hoseok, your parents are still upset about you coming home drunk and covered in paint."

"Pshh, they'll get over it."

"And about you crashing the car into a fire hydrant and getting paint all over it while trying to hide the damage."

"Ah...yeah, that'll take a while to forgive." Hoseok looked down with a pout.

"Why don't we just sit around and eat or something? Why do we need to cause trouble every single time?" Taehyung shrugged.

"Hm, Hyung's right. Let's just all meet for some fast food and a bit of drinking. I really want a hamburger..."

Hoseok's smile was back. A sad Hoseok doesn't last very long.

"Alrighty then! Let's get Yugyeom a hamburger! And me a Sprite! Haha!" Yoongi rolled his eyes with a smile at his hyper boyfriend's obsession with the soda. Everyone else at the lunch table nodded in agreement.


"Going somewhere, Oppa?"

Taehyung turned around to see Kyung Mi standing near the couch. He smiled and nodded.

"I'm going out with Youngjae and the others."

"Can I come?"

He blinked at her confused. "You want to? It's a group of half-drunken guys choking down burgers and fries. That doesn't seem like the ideal scene for a fifteen-year-old girl. Especially one who likes to keep to herself."

She shrugged as she was already putting her shoes on and making sure her phone was in her pocket. "Maybe not, but it's better than being stuck in the house alone with the twins. My mom's out somewhere."

"Ah, fair point." Taehyung made a finger gun and pointed it at her. "I'll warn you, though. They can get a bit...weird. Especially Hoseok."

"That's fine, let's go."

Taehyung shrugged and opened the door, letting out the younger first.


"She's so cute~!"

Hoseok started cooing at Taehyung's short cousin, or short to them at least. Kyung Mi watched in amusement as the older guy, Min Yoongi, held Hoseok back from crushing the girl in a hug.

"Hyung, it's not like you haven't seen her before."

"Yeah, but this time she's hanging out with us. I apologize if we offend or scare you in any way." Hoseok turned to Kyung Mi.

She shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm fine. You can do what you want, act as yourselves. I just came to get out of the house."

"You're a grade below me, right?" Yugyeom piped in. She nodded and he smiled at her kindly. "Let's be extra friendly with each other then."

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