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Me and Allison are in are in the car with Lydia dropping her off after the whole protecting her incident.

We pull up to Lydia's house and Allison is on the verge of tears but she controls them and turns around.

"I need you to promise that you won't say anything about what just happened" Allison says to Lydia

"I promise no to say anything about what the hell just happened?" Lydia says

"It's actually kind of complicated" I tell her

"Well then how about you both start with why was Derek there?" Lydia's says "or where Jackson went? or what is wrong with Erica? or why did Jailee look like she was about to cry"

Me and Allison both sigh

"Did you both need a minute to come up with a plausible lie?" Lydia asks

"Part of the reason why I'm asking is because Scott and I aren't supposed to be seeing each other okay. So it's better if you just keep what you know to yourself" Allison says

"Fine! I'll keep what I know about you and your boyfriend, which is nothing to myself" Lydia says and opens the door

"Hey!" Allison says and holds her back from getting out the car "he's not just my boyfriend you get that right?"

"Let me go"

"Just for one second please try and remember"

"Remember what?" Lydia yells

"Remember what it feels like" Allison says "all those times in school you see him standing down the hall and you can not breathe until your with him or those times when you're in class and you can't stop looking at the clock cause you know his standing right out there waiting for you! Don't you remember what that feels like?"

"No" Lydia says

"What do you mean no? You've had boyfriends" Allison asks

"Not like that!" Lydia says and gets out the car

"Everything's going to be okay" I tell Allison and she nods

"I just want to tell her everything" she says

"Me too"


When I woke up this morning and I got dressed in floral, shorts jumpsuit, a denim jacket and combat boots. I left my hair open and straight with light make up, I put a beanie and gloves on aswell.

I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs and I got a text from Stiles telling me to meet him in the woods.

When I got in the woods I see a police van and I walked up to it.

I hear Jackson yelling.

"Well maybe what you should be trying to figure out is he going to pay for a lawyer when I prosecute your asses all the way to jail!"

"Alright tell me this on the night of the first full moon, what happened?" Stiles asks

"Nothing, nothing happened"

I open the door and see a shirtless and handcuffed Jackson.

"What in the hell is going on here?" I ask

"We kidnapped Jackson!" Stiles says

"Jackson I know you don't like me but I had absolutely nothing to do with it" I tell Jackson and he nods "you need to let him go! You can't keep him here against his will, he could sue you maybe even worse"

"I'm aware of that, thank you" Stiles says

"Ugh Stiles I'm not apart of this" I tell him and he walks out the van.

PLAYER | DEREK HALE Where stories live. Discover now