9)Should I Tell Him

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Natsu: "What else happened?"

Lucy: "N-Nothing, never mind it's not important."

I want to tell him I do but I can't not yet. I need to talk to Levy before I tell him, she'll be able to help me right?

Natsu: "Okay."

The car ride was long. All I could think about was what happened yesterday and whether or not I should keep this baby.

As we pulled up to the house Natsu grabbed my hand.

Natsu: "Here, keep this on at all times!"

He hands me a diamond necklace.

Lucy: "What is this?"

Natsu: "There is a tracker in it so if you are ever in trouble push the back and your location will be sent to my phone."

Lucy: "Thank you and um Natsu, can I call Levy?"

Natsu: "Sure but make it quick. We are going to have some fun later at Loke's house, or maybe I'll have all the fun?"

Lucy: "Thank you?"

What does he mean by fun? And at loke's?? I don't know what to do!

I grab my phone and call Levy, it rings once then she answers.

Levy: "Hey, how are you?"

Lucy: "Actually not very good..."

Levy: "What happened??"

Lucy: "Can we meet? I would feel better if I told you in person."

We hang up. I walk downstairs and go to the front door.

Natsu: "Where are you going?"

Natsu asked me with anger in his voice.

Lucy: "I'm meeting up with Levy. Do you want to come?"

He nods and we walk to the park where we always hang out at. When we got there we saw Levy and Lisanna.

Lucy: "Levy? I thought it was only going to be us?"

Levy: "Then why did you bring Natsu?"

What do I tell her? I can't say I was at his house, his girlfriend is right there!

Lucy: "When I was walking here he followed me. It's not my fault."

Lis got up and stood by Natsu.

Lis: "If you both want to talk alone Natsu and I can go and get us all breakfast?"

Lucy: "Um sure, thank you."

Natsu and Lis both left and went somewhere to get food. Levy and I walked over to a bench and I began to talk.

Lucy: "You know how my mom and dad said I ran away? Well I didn't, they sold me to a Mafia."

She looked at me with disbelief then hugged me tightly with slightly teary eyes.

Lucy: "And I tried to run away from my owner but got kidnapped."

Begining was obviously a lie but I can't tell Natsu owns me.

Lucy: "My captor did something to me and now I'm pregnant."

I faced the ground as tears were flowing from my eyes. I tried to make them stop but the tears kept coming.

Levy: "Lucy, are you okay?"

I shook my head as she rubbed my back.

Lucy: "And I'm also in a relationship, should I tell him or get an abortion?"

Levy: "If he loves you then he shouldn't mind, it wasn't even your fault. Does he know about the mafia thing?"

Lucy: "Ya, I told he when I was kidnapped."

Levy: "I think you should tell him and when did you start dating him?"

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