28) Finding Maka?

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Lucy: "Kaneki... Maka is also missing. There was a note left as well signed by YB. Soul thought he knew who it was, but she is here so she couldn't have done it."

Kaneki: "Ok, but if you get anymore information tell me!"

(Natsu POV)

Yui: "Firstly, can I see the note?"

Soul hands Yui the letter. (I forgot if they brought it or not, sry!) Yui puts on a pair of gloves then takes the letter. She looks over the paper then hands it to a guy behind her.

Soul: "Thats our only clue. We'll need that back."

Yui: "I'm having it tested for fingerprints. I mean I'm seeing who all touched the paper. Now tell me, do you have any other suspects besides me?"

Soul: "No, even though you are helping I still believe you took her!"

Yui: "I'm heartbroken. My own little brother accusing me of a crime I didn't commit. Nevertheless, I am a good sister so I will not rest til we find maka!"

Gray taps my should

Gray: "Lucy just texted. She said that Touka has also been taken by YB."

I look over towards Soul and shake ny head.

Natsu: "Touka has been kidnapped as well."

He sighs and stands.

Soul: "What ever. Just find out as much as you can. Tell me when you do, ok sister?"

She nods. We all stand and follow Soul towards the door. We exit the house.

Nastu: "Lucy, are you okay? I heard about what happened to Touka."

She lowers her head.

Lucy: "If only I had left the room sooner or if I just would have stayed Maka would still be here and Touka would probably be as well..."

Natsu: "This is not your fault! We'll find them both."

Kid: "I just got a text from my friend who works at a police station in California."

Soul: "Go on, does he have anything?"

Kid: "He sent me a file. I just opened it... It's a file full of missing people and those found dead. All having to do with a YB."

Soul: "Were there any notes left or anything like that?"

Kid: "Actually there were. I'll send them to you now."

Soul: "I'll look through them when we get back. I'm not in the mood at the moment."

Natsu: Lucy, did kaneki tell you if he found a note? If so what did it say?"

Lucy: "I'm sorry... He just said that there was a letter nothing else."

I nod. I grab my phone from the table and text Kaneki.

Natsu: Hey, can you tell me what the note said?

Kaneki: Ya. "You're on the right track. You do know me. My name is YB. If you want your loved one back... find me." That's all it says.

Natsu: Thank you. We'll found her. Don't worry.

--- 4 hrs later ---

(Lucy POV)

Loke: "You did this. You hurt me. You're going to kill our child!"

Why do I keep having these dreams?

Lucy: "I guess I'll just stay up."

Everytime I close my eyes I see him. Why did I do it? If it wasn't for my parents selling me... This would have never happened! No, I can't blame anyone but myself...

Kid: "Did you have a bad dream? You're crying... Like Natsu said it's not your fault."

Lucy: "Thank you."

Kid: "Don't mention it. If you ever need someone to talk to I'll be here. Oh and we are almost home. Soul took a short cut through the back roads."

I nod with a smile as I close my eyes once again.

--- At Home ---

(Soul POV)

I park the car and rush inside. Immediately I open my computer and click on the file Kid sent me.

Soul: "YB... Why are you doing this?"

I click on a photo. Next to it is the letter found with the body. It reads

"ThIs is only the beginning. I may live near or I may live far. You will never find me... -YB"

Some of the bodies don't even have a letter next to them. Some just have the letters YB carved into there backs. There are two other notes.

"I know who you are I know all of you. You need to come home or I won't stop. You took my place."

Soul: "What do these even mean!"

I sigh and lay my head on the table.

Soul: "Maka, I'm coming for you. Just stay safe and keep our child from danger."

--- 2 Week Later ---

(Lucy POV)

Natsu: "Lucy are you feeling okay? You look really pale."

Natsu puts his hand on my head.

... So cold!!!

Natsu: "Your head is burning. You've been working too hard. We said we'll find them. Please get some rest, for the baby."

Lucy: "But I want to help. I don't want anyone else to get hurt..."

Before I could finish what I was going to say Kid slams the doors open.

Natsu: "Kid, what are you doing!? Lucy is sick she needs silence."

Kid: "I found a picture from YB... It's of Maka!!"

Soul: "Of Maka??"

Soul runs into my room and takes the photo from Kid. When he sees the picture he falls to the ground crying.

I stand and walk towards Soul. He hands me to picture.

Lucy: "I-Is that a baby in her arms?"

Soul keeps shaking his head and repeating "I wasn't there for her...  I wasn't there for her..."

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