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(3 POV)

The blonde bride stares wide eyed at what the white haired girl and pink haired boy are doing.

Why? Why does this keep happening?

Lucy runs. Doesn't even close the door all the way. She runs to the nearest bathroom which happens to be the men's restroom.

--- 2 Hours Later ---

Lucy: "How am I supposed to compete with his first true love?"

Gray: "Lucy, wait why are you here? Hold on, are you crying?!"

Lucy: "N-No, I'm not crying at all."

Gray: "If you say so, but why are you in here and where is Natsu?"

Lucy: "I needed to wash up but I couldn't find the girls bathroom and Natsu who cares about him?"

Gray stares at Lucy with confusion. She suddenly stands and wipes her few tears away.

Lucy: "I'm sorry. I'm pregnant and there are so many hormones."

Lucy laughs a bit then leaves the bathroom leaving Gray alone.

(Lucy POV)

Ugh! It's not like I can just leave him I mean we are married now and even if we weren't I doubt he would just let me leave.

Levy: "Lu-Chan!! I finally found you. I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier. Here."

Lucy: "It's ok, I'm over it."

Levy: "Thank you so much!! Oo look who's behind you~"

Levy spins around then runs away.

Natsu: "There you are my beautiful bride!"

Natsu hugs me from the back.

I want to push him away, but I love the way his hands and arms feel around me.

Natsu: "Lucy? I'm sorry I have to tell you something."

Lucy: "I know, I already saw what you and Lis did!"

Natsu: "What we did? You mean what she did! I pushed away."

Does he really think I'm dumb?! I saw what he did with her! ...Didn't I? All I saw was Lis and pink hair.

Natsu: "Lucy, please don't be mad. I was kinda drunk and I didn't know what was happening till she kissed me, but I pushed away!"

Lucy: "I'm sorry, Natsu. I assumed the worst."

Natsu: "It's ok, but please calm down. Remember you're pregnant."

Maybe its the hormones, but I want to cry, smile, and be angry at myself for thinking he would cheat on me all at once.

--- 4 Hours Later, Souls House ---

Maka: "Lucy? Soul and Natsu just left to follow up on a lead."

Lucy: "They have a lead? Who is it?"

Maka: "They won't tell me, I'm sorry. Oh Lucy? I have a doctors appointment in 45 minutes. Do you want to go with me?"

Lucy: "I would love to! How far a long are you?"

Maka: "Believe it or not but I'm actually 30 weeks."

30 weeks?! How?? Shes still thin?

Lucy: "So, do you know the gen--"

Knock knock knock

Lucy: "Who could be at the door? Everyone has a key."

Maka: "Wait here."

Maka walks towards the front door and looks through the hole.

Maka: "It's the police!"

She whispers, but loud enough for me to hear.

Knock Knock knock

Lucy: "What do we do?"

Maka: "Go in the kitchen, and push the cabinets away from the fridge. There is a hidden room behind there."

Lucy: "What about you?"

Maka: "I'll stay here. Go now!"

Quickly I run into the kitchen, I push the cabinets away from the fridge and there really is a hidden room.

Lucy: "Wow this is actually pretty cool..."

(3 POV)

Cop: "Have you seen these two?"

Maka shakes her head signaling no.

Cop: "Don't lie now. I have been following you for a week and I've seen you and them coming in and out of here."

Maka quickly closes the door, but the cop stops the door before it could close all the way.

Cop: "Not so fast. Till you tell me where they are you're coming with me."

The police officer grabs Makas wrist and with the other hand he covers her mouth.

The mafia king [Nalu] Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang