15)Everyone Knows

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Levy: "Ready to go?"

I nodded as we got into the taxi. The drive from the hospital to where we needed to be was 5 minutes long. When we got there, there were so many beautiful dresses for the bride and brides maids.

Levy: "Wow look at this one!! No wait this one is prettier!!!"

Levy danced around the building, going from one dress to another.

Lucy: "Remember we are just here to try some on. It will take me awhile to choose, so we'll come back tomorrow or in two days."

Levy nodded as she continued to hop around the building. It made me happy seeing her happy.

Levy: "I know, I know! It's just they're all so nice and wonderful!!"

Worker: "Oh hello, may I help you?"

A beautiful young woman with long white hair asked Levy.

Levy: "Oh no I'm not getting married. My friend over there is thought!"

The lady looked at me and smiled widely.

Worker: "Well now aren't you pretty! What's you name, if you don't mind me asking?"

Lucy: "I don't mind, my name is Lucy and you are?"

When she heard my name her smile quickly faded. She immediately pulled out her phone and began to speak in another language.

Worker: "Leave now!"

Levy: "Wait huh? We're customers."

Worker: "Not after what she did to my sister! Leave! I called the police so if you don't want to go to jail I expect you to go now."

Levy: "Fine. Lucy let's go."

Levy harshly grabbed my wrist and pulled me outside.

Levy: "What did you do to her sister?"

Huh? I didn't do anything to her. I don't even know the worker so how should I know her sister?

Lucy: "I don't know? I don't even know who she is."


Lucy: "What is it?"

Levy looked down at her phone with a frown.

Levy: "Lucy I don't think you should go to school."

Lucy: "Huh, why?"

Levy lifted her phone so it was now in front of my face. My eyes widened at what I saw.

That b****! How could she!!

Levy: "I'm sorry Lu-chan."

Lucy: "No it's not your fault. When was that posted?"

Levy: "Just now but there is already so many comments and likes."

Lucy: "Why does this have to happen? Ugh! Levy if you need me I'm going to be under my blanket at Natsus

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Lucy: "Why does this have to happen? Ugh! Levy if you need me I'm going to be under my blanket at Natsus. Bye."


A/N: lol sry for the bad editing in the picture. Was in a rush an  I also don't know how to edit? Oh and also sry for the very late update. School has just taken up so much of my time.

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