32)Hard Times

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--- 2 Days Later---
(Lucy POV)

Lucy: "Natsu I have good news. They found the area that Maka and Touka are. They just need to find a way in. Soul just left, he wants to help."

Natsu: "Oh, okay."

Natsu has been really sad since Gray's passing. He won't sleep nor will he eat. I haven't been able to tell him the gender, I want to tell him when he feels better.

Lucy: "Natsu, do you want me to make you some lunch? I can make anything."

He smiles slightly then puts his head down.

Natsu: "No thank you, I'll eat later."

Lucy: "Natsu- never mind. I'm going outside, I'll see you later."

He waves and I leave. I walk downstairs and towards the back door.

---1 Hour Later---

(Soul POV)

Soul- How close are you to getting them??

Kaneki- We found the room but there is a gate in front of the door and the door is more than likely locked, but we can't just cut them down.

Soul- And why not??

Kaneki- There is also a bomb inside the room that's triggered by sound.

Soul- How do you know??

Kaneki- We found another note. I rather not take any chances. The one I love is also in that room.

Soul- Just get them out safe. I'll be there in 6hrs.

Kid: "The tracker stopped. I'm going to send the location to Natsu."

Soul: "Do you think he'll go?"

Kid: "The guy who killed his best friend is there. He'll go."

(Lucy POV)


Natsu's phone? A text from Kid. An address. That's only 2 hrs away.

Lucy: "I shouldn't let Natsu see this, but someone needs to check the location."

I forward the address to my phone then delete the original text off of Natsu's phone.

Lucy: "I'm sorry Natsu, but I don't want you to get hurt."

I quickly run to the car making sure no one sees me. I turn on my gps and put in the address.

--- 1 1/2 Hours Later ---

Only thirty minutes to go.

Ring Ring

Without looking at the caller ID I answer the phone.

Lucy- hello?

???- Huh, wait who is this?

Lucy- Lucy, is this Kid?

Kid- Ya, where's Natsu?

Lucy- Um, he's asleep. Why didn't you call his phone?

Kid- I did. You just answered his phone?

Lucy- Oh I didn't realize, um well I got to go. Bbbyyyeee.

What if he finds out what I'm doing? I doubt it, I didn't give him the slightest clue...

--- 30 Minutes Later ---

I begin slowing the car as I come closer to the house. I look in the back and see a small handgun with a silencer.

Lucy: "Am I actually going to be able to pull the trigger if it comes to it?"

I sigh and lower my head.

What am I doing? Why am I doing this? I should be home with my husband in his time of need, but instead, I'm here for revenge.

Lucy: "I can't let Natsu suffer any longer. He will not be at peace until the one who killed his best friend is dead."

I crawl in the backseat and begin changing my clothes. I put on a female tux with black heels. I put the gun and two small blades in the jacket.

Lucy: "Now I just need my sunglasses."

I exit the car and make my way to the front door.

That's strange, there are no guards.

???: "Who are you, why are you here."

Lucy: "Mr. Roger asked me to come and if he hears that you pointed your gun at me he'll probably kill you."

I smirk at his scarred face. I was going to say something else when another guy appears.

Guy2: "Who is she?"

Guy 1: "She said that the boss asked for her."

His eyes widen, which confuses me.

Guy2: "You must be Charlotte. The boss said you would be here later, he'll be happy to know that you got here earlier."

I nod and follow the two inside.

I'm scared, but there aren't many people here. Not as many as I thought anyway.

We walk for a couple of minutes till we reach a room with a couch and table.

Guy2: "Wait here Ms. Charlotte, Mr. Roger will be here soon."

Lucy: "Wait, will there be anyone else in here when Mr. Roger and I talk?"

Guy2: "No, ma'am. The boss told us all not to disturb the two of you."

I nod as he turns to leave. I walk and sit on the couch. I take out one of the blades and put in under a pillow.

The door slowly opens. I turn my head in the opposite direction of the door so my face is hidden.

Roger: " Charlotte, I'm so glad to see you. It's been two years now hasn't it?"

I simply nod. I hear his footsteps coming closer to me. After awhile he sits next to me.

Roger: "You must be wondering why I called you here. Well you see, the main boss is getting annoyed. My men found a letter earlier and I'm afraid for my life. I need your help."

Lucy: "You shouldn't be afraid of him... The one you should fear is the person in front of you."

He looks at me with wide eyes as I jump on him. My hand on his mouth as my other is reaching for the blade under the pillow.

Lucy: "I'm sorry, but you hurt someone dear to me. This will be a warning to your boss. He should've never messed with me or my husband."

I slit his throat with ease. His blood spilled everywhere. I removed my hand once he stopped moving.

Lucy: "Aghh!!"

My head, it hurts so badly. I rush to the door and make sure that no one is there. I run quickly to the front door then to my car.

I have never felt pain like this. Why does it hurt so much??!!

Soon my vision fades to black.

The only things I can see are blood and those I have hurt...

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