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Gray: "Button? That does matter. Just tell us where you took the girls!"

Roger: "You all are dumb huh? My boss gave you a picture. Did any of you bother going there."

He asks with a sarcastic tone, rolling his eyes.

Gray: "We sent a couple of guys there. No one was found."

Roger: "Hahaha... Did anyone bother checking the basement. I guess not. Such a shame that you both won't be alive to tell your friends."

He smirks once again then closes his eyes.

Roger: "The boss wants him back. He will do whatever is necessary."

Not even five minutes later there was a loud bombing sound outside.

Roger: "I guess this is goodbye..."

Wait what's happening?

Before I could do anything Gray was tackled to the ground and my hands were being held behind my back.

Gray: "Get off me!"

Gray kicks the guy that was hold his feet then pushes the other. The grasp of the guy holding my hands became tighter as he saw Gray get free.

Gray: "Let her go!"


A man behind Gray shot him in the arm. Gray turns around and chases the man.

Man: "We got the girl, heading back now--"

???: "Like hell you are!"

My eyes water as I hear the beautiful voice of my love.

Lucy: "Natsu!"

Soul: "Why is there so many? How many people do they need??"

Kid: "Natsu, you and Lucy get out of here. We can handle them!"

Lucy: "What about Roger? He's getting away."

Natsu: "Don't worry about him. We put a tracker on him earlier."

Natsu picks me up and carries me bridal style to a hidden room in the garden.

Lucy: "Natsu... I know where Maka and Touka are. Roger told us that they are in the basement. Of the building in the picture."

Natsu: "Thank you Lucy."

He pulls me closer and hugs me tighter.

Natsu: "I'm so glad I came back when I did. I don't know what I would do without you."

Lucy: "I love you Natsu... Roger also said that his boss is after one of you."

Natsu: "Thank you, my love. Don't worry about that right now."

(Soul POV)

Soul: "There may be a lot of them but they sure are weak."

Kid: "True. Have you seen gray?"

Gray... I saw him a couple of minutes ago.

Soul: "Let's go help him. He didn't have a gun on him and he's only one guy."

We began looking around the house. All we could find was blood.

Soul: "Do you think he's with Natsu?"

Kid: "I'll call."

Ring ring~

Natsu- Hello?

Kid- Is Gray with you, we can't find him.

Natsu- No he isn't. We will search out here. You both continue looking inside.

Soul: "Wait did you here that? It sounds like someone stomping upstairs."

We quickly but quietly walked upstairs towards to sound.

Kid: "Still got bullets?"

I nod. We continue towards the door.

Soul: "On the count of three. 1... 2... 3!"

When we kicked the door open we found gray stumbling across the room. Covered in blood and wounds.

Kid: "Gray! What happened??"

Gray: "2-What do you th-think? I was shot."

Kid: "I'll go get Stein!"

(Natsu POV)

Natsu: "Thank you, Soul. They found Gray. He's hurt badly, he was shot multiple time in the stomach and arms."

Why did this happen? How could this happen? Ya I fought with him a lot but we've known each other since we were kids. He is my best friend.

Lucy: "It's going to okay. Grays strong. He won't let this get to him..."

---1 Hour Later---

Natsu: "How is he?"

Stein: "He was shot many times in his torso... One bullet even slightly piersed his aorta. I'm sorry Natsu. He bled out before I could finish the surgery..."

Natsu: "It's all my fault! If only I was here to help him instead of--"

Lucy: "Being with me... I'm sorry Natsu. I'm so so sorry."

Soul: "We should still say good bye."

We walk into the room. Gray was covered with a sheet.

Lucy: "Goodbye Gray. You will always have a place in my heart."

Natsu: "You were only by my side. Even though we always fought I still considered you my best friend. Goodbye Gray. I love you..."

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