33)The Mind

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--- 3 1/2 Hours Later ---

(Soul POV)

Soul: "Have you made any progress? Are they okay??"

Kaneki: "I had some of my men go out and look for something we could use to cut the bars."

Soul: "Did they find anything??"

Kaneki: "Yes, but they drove two hours away to get it. They'll be back in an hour and a half."

An hour and thirty minutes is a long time, but soon I will see my wife and child.

Kaneki: "Wait, wheres Kid? I thought he was with you."

Soul: "He was, but after two hours into the drive he called a taxi and went back. He didn't tell me why."

(Lucy POV)

Lucy: "Where am I?"

I look around then realize that I'm in that small dark room again. The room where I can only hear the sound of blood dripping from the celling.

I wasn't born a killer and yet I have already killed two people... Why am I like this? I shouldn't be allowed to live, but for my baby I will...

Loke: "You did this to us..."

I quickly close my eyes. I know if I open them I will see what I have down.

Roger: "You killed us to make you feel better... Open your eyes and look at what you've done!"

I can't force my eyes shut any longer. It's like I have no control over what I'm doing.

My eyes open and to my surprise I do not see Loke nor Mr. Roger, but to my horror I see myself in a mirror. I am covered in blood holding a knife and a gun smiling widely.

Lucy: "Is that how others see me? Like a monster?"

No, no, no, no, no, no... That's not true. I did nothing wrong? I was just protecting me and my family...

Loke: "You can tell yourself what you want, but you will never be the same again."

Lucy: "Leave me alone, go away!!"

Loke: "You're a monster!"

Loke&Roger: "A monster! A monster!! A monster!!!"

They shout, with every word they get louder.

Lucy: "No, I'm not. Stop it. Stop it!"

Kid: "Lucy wake up!!"

Lucy: "Kid? Where are we?"

Kid: "At a hotel. Lucy, what were you dreaming about and why were you there?!"

I look down. Not wanting to look him in the eyes.

Lucy: "Natsu has already been through enough. I didn't want him to get hurt..."

Kid: "I understand, but you're pregnant. What if something happened to you? Natsu would blame himself if you got hurt!"

I know... But I can't let the love of my life suffer. He is my world. He's the only person that cares about me!

Kid: "I texted Natsu 30 minutes ago. He'll be here soon."

Lucy: "Did you tell him where I went?"

He shook his head and sighed.

Kid: "I only told him that you were on your way to Soul when the car broke down so I came to get you."

I smile and hug him tightly.

--- 1/2 Hour Later ---
(Soul POV)

Kaneki: "The traffic isn't as bad as when they first left so they should be here in ten minutes."

Finally after all this time I can finally be with them. I love you Maka.

Soul: "Do you have any clue who YB could be?"

Kaneki: "I'm not sure I had someone in mind but he's in jail so it couldn't be him. Plus those aren't even his initials."

Soul: "He could've gotten out? Is he capable of doing something like this?"

Kaneki: "He's capable of even worst things then this."

Ring Ring

My phone?

Kid- I got us all a hotel. When you guys get them out bring them to the address I sent you. Lucy is with me and Natsu is on his way.

Soul- We'll have them out soon. See you later.

Kaneki: "They are almost here. I told them to not even tell us when they get here and to just immediately get to cutting the bars."

Soul: "YB... So you thought of someone but you thought of YB not being initials but instead a phrase or something like that?"

Kaneki: "My mind went straight to Natsus brother. As children Zeref would always say "Your bother is here" or "Your brother wants a hug" instead of saying his name when talking to Natsu."

Soul: "To me they sound like good siblings. What happened?"

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