12)Dietian (idk)

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Gray: "Lucy its time to wake up."

Ugh, why?? I'm too tired to get up right now!

Lucy: "Five more minutes!"

I shouted to Gray and went back to sleep. I heard the door creak open, then footsteps coming near me. I jumped out of bed just to see it was Gray.

Gray: "Get dressed we have to be there soon."

We, that does he mean by that? Maybe he's going to drive me to school.

Lucy: "Then get out so I can!"

I threw my pillow at him, but he just stood there.

Gray: "You do have a bathroom. I also need to change."

Lucy: "Why in Natsus room? Are your clothes in here or somehing??"

Gray: "No, I'm going to be wearing that pink haired fools clothes since I don't have anything but tuxedos."

Lucy: "Huh?"

Why would he need to change from a tux? Well maybe since Natsu isn't here he can finally where something else.

Gray: "I don't think you're catching on so I'll tell you. Untill Natsu gets back I will be going to school with you."

Lucy: " ...Oh~"

I grab some clothes and then go into the bathroom to change. I pickup my phone from the counter and check the time.

Lucy: "6:30. We only have 30minutes left."

I exit the bathroom.

Gray: "Lucy! Go back into the bathroom!"

I hurriedly run back into the bathroom and slide down the door.

Why am I blushing? I mean I did just see Gray without his clothes on...

Lucy: "Are you done now."

Gray: "Ya, lets hurry so we aren't late. The drive there will take about 20 min. So by the time we get back here it will be around 7:50. Which will give us a bit of time to do whatever before school at 8:20."

Lucy: "Hmm, I wont remember any of what you just said but okay."

Gray: "Never mind. Let's go."

He grabs my hand and drags me onto the car. We get in and he drives to where ever the place is.

After what seemed like forever we finally made it.

Ugh I'm so hungry! But my stomach also hurts!! I shouldn't had eaten so fast.

Gray: "Lucy your appointment is in 10 minutes but since there isn't anyone here they might let you go early. I need to go by the store to get some things for school. I'll be back when you're done."

Gray goes back outside and leaves. The room I'm in is small with only one TV the hangs across from the entrance. There is a woman her her two children but they are the only other people here.

Lady: "Mrs. Amber? Please follow me."

The woman and her kids get up from their seats and head to the back. Soon another lady comes back into the room I'm in.

Lady: "Ms. Heartfilia? Follow me."

I nod and walk with her to a smaller room where she began asking questions about my diet.

Lady: "Hello, my name is Mrs. Danielson but please call me Juliet. I'll be here to help you with your diet plan so when you give birth the baby will be nice and healthy."

She smiled widely at me as I did the same.

Once we were done she handed me a little book to write down what I eat and what it's made of plus how many calories are in it.

Gray (phone): "I'm on my way back so be outside when I get there."

A/N: What do you think of this chapter? Tbh I don't really like it but that doesn't matter. What matters is what you think of it. Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter and also sry for the late update. ❤️

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