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Soul: "Yes, now let's get started. I'll have to leave soon."

Maka: "Lucy?"


Lucy: "Yes? Is there something you need?"

Maka smiles and leans in. She whispers.

Maka: "So how far along are you?"

Wait huh?

Lucy: "How did you know?"

Maka: "I'm also pregnant and I guess I can just sence it. Oh and plus you've been clenching your stomach."

Oh, I guess I didn't notice.

Lucy: "I'm just a week. I'm not even showing so when you asked I was confused."

Soul: "Maka, you and the blonde go upstairs. We have to talk and plan."

Maka nods then grabs my wrist. She pulls me up the stairs and into a room.

Lucy: "Why couldn't we stay downstairs?"

We sit on Makas bed.

Maka: "Once they come up with a plan Soul is more than likely to give his whereabouts to his enemies."

Lucy: "What?! Why would he do that?"

Maka: "Before I found out I was pregnant we would come up with a plan then give our address to an enemy. When they arrived we would fight and sometimes kills them as training."

Lucy: "What if they come up here? What if they find us?"

Maka: "Don't worry Lucy, we have bodyguards."

Someone knocks on the door and two men walk in.

Maka: "You already know Gray, and the man behind him is Kid."

Kid? Why does every guard have weird names?
(Natsu POV)

Natsu: "So, how are we supposed to get leads and information on the killer?"

Soul: "If you kept up with the latest killings you would know that we already have some suspects."

Touka: "Are you referring to the reversed jack the ripper?"

Soul nods at Toukas question.

Reversed Jack the ripper? He doesn't sound that scary.

Natsu: "Who is the reversed Jack the ripper?"

Soul: "So, you know Jack the ripper? He killed five women and took out their organs. Well, that's what this person does as well but instead of female prostitutes he or she kills lonely men without families."

Natsu: "So we just gotta stalk lonely guys then?"

Soul: "I guess we could, but this person is trained. They will probably suspect that. We need training before we do anything."

Soul gets up from his seat and walks in front of a guard and nods.

Soul: "We will train tonight and every night for 3 days. Hopefully that's enough training."


(Lucy POV)
A week has passed and still we have no leads on who the actual murder is. Touka, Soul, Kaneki, and Natsu have all been working so hard and still nothing to tell us who it is.

Natsu: "What are you up to?"

I smile.

Lucy: "Just writing in my diary."

He walks up to me and back hugs me. His head is on my shoulder as he reads what I wrote.

Natsu: "We'll find him, but for now you have to relax. The baby can sense if your stressed."

I nod and kiss him on the cheek.

Natsu: "I love you Luce and I can't wait to see you tomorrow in your beautiful white dress."

He leaves before I can say anything.

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