35)This Is The End

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Word count- 1065

I can't handle this... I can't choose just one. I love Lucy and my friends, but this place is my home!!

Zeref: "Look at him freeze up. I thought you had actually grown up. I guess I was wrong."

Natsu: "You are wrong. I'm no longer the sad little boy you once saw as a child..."

Lucy: "Natsu, what are you--"

I bend down and pick up one of the guns off the floor. I stare at Zeref not breaking our eye contact.

Zeref: "So you're choosing this house over your little team?"

Natsu: "No, I'm not picking one over the other. I have chose to pick both. You seem to have forgotten, but I am now the king!"

Zeref: "You may have been named king of the mafia, but no one actually sees you as one. I'm the true heir, you're just a substitute."

Natsu: "If you really believe that then you're dumber then I thought."

Zeref: "Enough talk, let's fight!"

Zeref jumps from the pile of corpses. He pulls a knife from one of the body's. He smirks and runs at Natsu.

Zeref: "Now then, let's begin..."

I hear Luce crying behind me as she is pulled out by Kid. Thankfully they won't get hurt.

(3 POV)

The two run towards one another. Without hesitation Natsu shoots. He misses Zerefs shoulder by an inch.

Zeref: "Seems, your aim is still off!"

Zeref smirks as he throws the knife in his hand at Natsu. Natsu yells he pulls the blade out and throws it down.

Now in front of one another Natsu points the gun at Zerefs head and fires. There are no more bullets. Zeref knocks the gun from Natsus hand then punches him. Natsu quickly gets up.

Natsu: "Next time I won't miss!"

Zeref: "You've missed twice already."

The brothers glare at one another then back up to grab new knives. Without any hesitation Zeref aimlessly begins throwing knives. Natsu is able to dodge all of them. While in the process Natsu now has many knives to through back.

Natsu: "Seems being in jail has dulled your memory. Let me remind you!"

Natsu quickly and swiftly runs towards Zeref then pushes him to the ground. A knife in both hands Natsu puts one to Zerefs throat.

Natsu: "Though I had no skill compared to you... I still was better than anyone else when using knives."

???: "No Natsu don't!"

Without even having to look back Natsu knew the sound of the voice... It was his Lucy.

Lucy: "Please don't kill him... He's your only brother. You'll regret it later. So please don't."

Lucy falls to the ground crying.

To her killing is meaningless. Shes killed only a couple of people who mean nothing to her and yet she feels so much regret for those who had bonds with them. She understands the feeling of regret as if it was her own life. She doesn't want Natsu to feel the same.

Lucy: "You grew up to love your brother. Those memories are still there so just don't..."

Natsu lowers the knife. Zeref taking this chance to push Natsu off and to run to Lucy.

Zeref: "You don't seem to understand little girl. We are not like you. We were born to kill and so that's exactly what we are going to do!"

Zeref stabs Lucy in the torso. Everything is quiet for a second then just screams. The scream of Natsu the one who loves and holds Lucy the closest to his heart...

Natsu closes his eyes tightly and whispers to himself.

Natsu: "No more hesitation. This is for the ones I love..."

Natsu picks up a gun and shoots Zeref. The bullet is shot into Zerefs head making him fall backwards.

Natsu: "Lucy!!"

Lucy: "I-I'm fine... Just d-don't touch the knife..."

She chuckles a bit as she cries.

Natsu: "I'll call the ambulance. They'll be here soon so don't move."

--- 5 Minutes Later ---

Lucy, Natsu, Zeref and everyone are driven to the hospital. Natsu tells the cops who work for him what happen and they search for Igneel but he is nowhere to be found in the house. Zeref is rushed inside and the doctors are able to save him.

Natsu walks pass Zeref, who is still conscious.

Natsu: "It seems I didn't miss this time though I wish it would've finished you off..."

Igneel: "You know I would've stopped him..."

Natsu quickly turns and is met by his father.

Natsu: "What do you mean?"

Igneel: "If he was about to kill you. Now that you are married you've become the head of the mafia... I just wanted to make sure you were fit for the position."

Natsu: "All of this was just for that? The death of my best friend was just for that?!"

Igneel looks away as Natsu falls to the the floor crying.

Igneel: "I came here to tell you that I'm leaving. I'm no longer the boss so I'm not needed here. I won't be back for a long time... I'll have that wife of your come in to make u feel better..."

Igneel quietly walks away and out of the door. Not even a minute after the doors close they opened again.

Lucy: "Natsu?"

Lucy rushes over to her husband who is still crying on the floor. She sits beside him leaning her head on his shoulder.

Natsu: "Lucy, aren't you still hurt??"

Lucy: "I'm fine the knife didn't go deep. I was bandaged a while ago and was given a pain killer so I'll be ok~"

Lucy wraps her arms around him and embraces him. Without her having to say anything Natsu calms down.

Natsu: "Thank you Luce. Even since we first met you've always been by my side. I thank you for that."

Lucy: "That's what I'm supposed to do. First as your friend now as you wife. I'll always be here for you no matter what."

Natsu: "Thank you Luce. Let's go home... We have a lot to get done."

Lucy: "What do you mean?"

Natsu: "Now that I'm officially the boss I think it's time for us to move into a new home one where we can make new memories. Just you, me, and our baby."

The two stand from the floor and exit the hospital saying goodbye to their friends. Hand in hand they drive away, far away from the hospital.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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