25) Who Took Her?

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Cop: "Not so fast. Till you tell me where they are. You're coming with me."

The police officer grabs Makas wrist and with the other hand he covers her mouth. Maka passes out from the shock.

Cop: "Sorry lady. The boss wants Natsu to come home, but till then there's going to be a trail of bodies."

(Lucy POV)

Lucy: "I don't hear her anymore."

I quietly exit the hidden room.

Where's Maka?

I look in the living room then in her room. Calling out her name, but not receiving a response.

Lucy: "Maka? Where are you?!"

I hear the front door open behind me. I turn around.

Soul: "Maka? Is she not with you?"

Lucy: "There was a man, a police officer, at the door. Maka was worried that he was looking for me so she told me to hide. I hid for only 10 minutes till I came out. When I did I couldn't find her anywhere."

Soul: "So she isn't here?!"

Souls face went red and his eyes became watery.

Natsu: "It's ok, we'll find her. It's only been a couple of minutes. We can deploy all guards to search everywhere for her."

Soul: "You're right, but until we find her I will not calm down."

Soul runs away towards the guards. Natsu and I sit.

Natsu: "Who would take her? Lucy, did you hear or see the cop?"

I shake my head.

Lucy: "No, I'm sorry. Wait, don't we have cameras?"

Soul: "Ya... I'll check them..."

Soul sluggishly walks away. We follow close behind him. We enter his office. He turns on his computer.

Soul: "Huh? The camera for the front door isn't working-"

Before soul could finish his sentence Gray walks in and begins to talk.

Gray: "Sorry for the interruption but we found something you might want to see. When we were searching around the house we found a letter near the front camera which is broken."

Gray hands Soul the piece of paper. Soul begins to read what is written aloud.

Soul: "We aren't amateurs. We know how to stay out of site, but you don't. We can do whatever we want and you'll be blamed. See ya soon. -YB."

Lucy: "YB? Natsu do you know anyone with those initials?"

He shakes his head. Soul stands up and slams his hands on the desk.

Soul: "I think I know someone, but I don't see why she would do something like this."

Natsu: "Who do you think it is soul?"

Soul: "An old friend. Yui Bidou."

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