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The faces of everyone around us, they were shocked about what they just witnessed.

Natsu: "No one says anything about Lucy or what just happened! If I find out that one of you said something I'll kill you. Ok that's it bye~"

Natsu grabbed my hand and dragged me to a large room full of cakes.

CakeLady: "Ah, you must be Mr. Dragneel and Ms. Heartfilia?"

Natsu: "Yes, we are. So how many cakes will we be trying today?"

The lady looked down at the paper on the table in front of us. Her eyes widen as she reads.

CakeLady: "26..."

Lucy: "Wait 26?! I thought it was 18 and even that was too many!"

CakeLady: "Well, it says here 26? There are 5 chocolate, 6 vanilla, 5 strawberry, 8 red velvet, and 2 banana cakes."

Natsu: "I'm fired up now! Let's hury and dig in! I'm so hungry!!"

I laugh as he jumps up and down shouting "cakes".

Like ya he just killed someone and also threatened to kill everyone else but still? Ugh, he's so freaking adorable!! (lol idek 😂)

Natsu: "Awe. Stop blushing you're even cuter when you do."

CakeLady: "Okay you two love birds, it's time to try some cakes."

--- 1 1/2 Hours Later ---

Levy: "So? Which one was your favorite??"

Levy asks in a girly tone.

Lucy: "All the ones that I tried were good, but I did only try 5. One of each."

Levy: "Wait how many cakes were you supposed to try again? Oh and Natsu what was your favorite flavor?"

Natsu: "There were 26 flavors and to be completely honest I hated them all. They were all really dry and crummy."

We laugh at Natsu as he makes a disgusted face.

Levy: "Well, this is my house. See you both at school?"

We nod and continue walking towards our house.

Natsu: "I had fun today. Besides the part about me killing that guy. I loved spending the morning with you."

He blushes which makes me blush.

His words are so beautiful.

Lucy: "I had fun as well. Hey um Natsu? Do y-you want to go out tonight? Maybe to a movie or somewhere to eat?"

He stops walking and looks me in the eyes.

His eyes shine so bright and yet they're full of sadness and anger?

Natsu: "I would love that."

We continue home, hand in hand.

As we walk home we notice red and blue lights flashing around our neighborhood. We walk closer, the lights becoming brighter. Voices of the people around the cars clashing with one another.

Lucy: "Um, officer is there something wrong? Did something happen here?"

I ask the cop who was standing in front of my house.

Cop: "It's nothing to  worry about."

He says aloud but then leans down to my ear and whispers.

Cop: "Actually the people who live in this house have been deemed as murders. A guy was found awhile ago stabbed to death and the owners DNA was found at the crime scene."

Lucy: "Hopefully you find the owners soon..."

I look back at Natsu and he nods. We slowly walk backwards and away from the house.

Natsu: "Well I didn't kill anyone. At least not over here I haven't."

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