Chapter Twenty Five : A Secret

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~Chapter Twenty Five : A Secret~


"Man~! This is so delicious~!" Natsuki said as he devoured a large piece of meat. "Ash Ecspheched ohf Akhikho~! (As expected of Akito)"

"What." Chikage said as he stared at the blonde cat boy across from him, unable to decipher his words. He raised his eyebrows and stabbed a piece of meat himself. "You really need to stop talking when your mouth is full."

Natsuki finished chewing his food and swallowed all of it. He then pouted at Chikage. "Well, I can't help it, you know~?" Natsuki said as he went to get another piece. "Akito's cooking is just too good~!"

Everyone sweatdropped at his carefree behavior and just shrugged it off, focusing on their own food instead. As they continue eating, (Y/N) suddenly had remembered something that she wanted to ask Natsuki. "Hey, Natsuki?" She asked as the said cat boy turned to her with his mouth full and hummed in response. "I was wondering, you talked to Yui about something earlier, right? What did you guys talk about?"

Natsuki slowly swallowed the food in his mouth and blinked at her. He looked to the distant as if wondering about something. "Something we talked about..." He said as he placed his finger on his chin, as if trying to recall the earlier events.


"So, what did you want to talk about?" Natsuki tilted his head to the side. "I'm guessing it's a serious one since you want to keep private about it?"

Yui blinked and went over towards the giant tree that was near the (L/N)'s house. She shook her head and sat down beside the tree. "No, it's nothing like that..." She said as she smiled apologetically. "Sorry, I may be wasting your time but I really need to get this out while I still can."

Natsuki smiled back and sat next to her. "Yeah? It's fine. I'm not good at serious topic either." He said. "What's it about?"

Yui looked away from Natsuki with a somehow sad smile. She looked hesitant from saying anything and so, she looked back at the blonde cat boy with a nervous smile. "B-But before that! Let me ask you something first..." Yui said, causing Natsuki to tilt his head on the side once more. As the cat boy gave her the permission to ask away, Yui looked down. "...About your Master... She's a nice girl."

"How did you guys met?" She asked, looking at Natsuki.

Natsuki blinked and wondered. "How, you say...?" He said and looked up. As he saw the leaves of the tree being blown by the wind, he began to giggle. Natsuki looked back at Yui and pointed upwards. "She fell from there~!"

"She's literally like an angel falling from the sky~!" He commented and he looked away as his eyes twitched. "...Except the heavens didn't provide her anything soft to land on, so..."

"A-Ah...I see..." Yui said as she imagined what happened and gulped. "That must've been...Pretty painful, is it...?"

Natsuki nodded and turned to her once again. "But other than that, I still see her as an angel." He said as she looked down with a slight blush in his cheeks. "I owe her my life so much that if she weren't there for my comfort, I would've been a goner right now..."

Natsuki gave Yui a goofy smile and scratched the back of her head. "I guess I'm a lucky one, eh?" He said as he laughed.

Yui blinked and stared at Natsuki talking so whole-heartedly about his gratitudes towards (Y/N). She bit her bottom lip and soon, she gave him a big smile as well. "I'm happy to know that you're in good hands, Natsuki~!" She said. "You know, I asked to talk to you in private because I'm embarrassed myself but..."

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