Chapter #25: He's Never Around!

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☆"Blue's" P.O.V☆

We started the game "Ok I've got one" Aphmau said "would you rather be and meif'wa or werewolf?" She asked "meif'wa" Kawaii~Chan said instantly "Umm.... Honestly werewolf" "Same" Katelyn and Kacey agreed "Meif'wa!" Aphmau said "I don't really know...." Zane shrugged "What about you DJ? You haven't said anything after Axel fell asleep" "Oh.. S-Sorry I dazed out I'm worried about him... he's twitching... should I wake him up...?" "Of course!" Aph said.

I softly petted him "shh it's ok Axel" he stopped twitching and started to purr, I smiled warmly but fidgeted in my spot trying to get comfortable "I think he's fine....anyways.... what was the question?" I asked, I kept petting Axel "Werewolf or Meif'wa?" Aph asked "Umm... that's a hard question... meif'was can have chocolate but werewolves can't, werewolves are stronger and work in packs... werewolves have omegas and alpha's and meif'was don't...." I thought "just make up your mind" Zane growled impatiently "Umm...I like being a werewolf " I shrugged "Ok ok" Aphmau nodded.

I groaned softly, I want to move Axel from vibrating on my crouch but I don't want to wake him "heh..." Zane glanced at me "W-What...?" I blushed "I see what's going on" he chuckled and looked at Aphmau "Next would you rather" Aphmau smiled "Find true love or win 1 million dollars" "million dollars I already found my true love" Katelyn smiled and blushed slightly "ew I'm not into the lovey dovey stuff I'm gonna have to go for the money" Zane said, Kacey nodded "True love of course!" Kawaii~Chan said looking at Zane, "ummm true love.." I agreed with Kawaii~Chan "hmm interesting didn't know you were in to that lovey stuff" Zane said "I'm not... just would prefer love over money... money can't buy happiness" I looked down on Axel who was sound asleep "speaking of money... I need to buy cat food along with a litter box, harness and leash For my Lil lion..."

Axel stopped purring, stretched and yawned "you have one DJ?" Zane asked "would you rather... have a cat or dog" I asked shrugging "Cat!" Kawaii~Chan smiled "Kacey and I would like a dog" " pretty much just asked the same question DJ" "What do you mean?" "Aphmau asked werewolf or meif'wa and you asked cat or dog, they are pretty much the same thing" Zane explained.

"...what did you just say...?" I growled softly "werewolves and dogs along with meif'was and cats are the same thing" Zane repeated, my ears went back and so did Kawaii~Chan's "We are not the same thing as dogs!" I yelled "and we aren't the same things as cats!" Kawaii~Chan hissed "I mean they kinda are" Kacey shrugged, butting into the argument "who's side are you on?! You and I aren't dogs! We're wolves!" I growled scaring Axel, he scratched my face and jumped out of my Lap.

I held my cheek and whimpered "this is why I didn't want to take you in..." I said calmly looking at Axel "What...?" Aphmau looked at me "I'm scared of cats... and meif'was I don't show it but I am... my heart races and I blush alot around meif'was... boy or girl and around cats my heart races and I feel like crying but I have been doing my best to get use to cats... I want to keep Axel I honestly do but I don't know if I can with my fear..." I looked down, after I said that Zane grabbed my chest "What the!" I jumped blushing.

"W-Why'd you do that?!" I asked "his heart was racing..." he said, I moved my hand from my cheek and looked at it "......" my hand had blood on it... "I-Is it bad...?" I asked Aphmau, who was petting Axel "No it's not bad just a little bit of blood but you should probably go clean it the bathroom is to the left of my room" Alpha replied "Thanks.... Alpha" I got up and opened the door "Blue?" Sylvanna looked at me, I put my hand back on my cheek and looked back at her.

"Yea?" "What happened? Did someone slap you?" I shook my head "N-No... Axel scratched me because I scared him... it's not bad and it's not his fault..." "I'll get you a band aid" Sylvanna followed me into the washroom "here's the rubbing alcohol and a band aid if you need it, I'll leave you now" she smiled and walked out of the bathroom, after she walked out my phone vibrated

Brother Wolf= Danny  
Baby Bro= Blue

Brother Wolf- Hey Baby bro I know I haven't texted you in a bit I'm very busy but... I have a question

Baby Bro- Hey big bro! It's ok I know how fustrating work can be, What's the question?

Brother Wolf- If you were to get a cat or dog... what would you name it?

Baby Bro- Why...?

Brother Wolf- please just answer the question.

Baby Bro- for a male cat I'd name it Axel a female Olivia... male dog I'd name Sage female I'd name Basil.

Brother Wolf- K thanks Baby Bro! Love yah I'll see you before school ends.

Baby Bro- that's a week from now!

Brother Wolf- I'll see you in two days ok?

Baby Bro-...ok I love you too..

"He's never here when I need him!" I heard the door open "DJ...?" I felt my cheek sting "ow!" I yelped and looked at the person who walked in, it was Zane "are you ok...?" "Y-Yea I'm fine! Why do you ask...?" "Your crying what happened?" "W-What.. I-I am?" I looked in the mirror, watery blood dripped down my face and onto the ground "That's why it stings..." I wiped away my tears "I'll be fine Zane... Just a problem with my brother I'll be there in a minute" I smiled reassuringly "Ok DJ... if you say so, I'll leave you be" Zane nodded and walked out.

I cleaned my cut and put the band aid over it "heh... now I look like our old alpha male ... but with ears and a tail..." I said walking out of the bathroom "sorry guys I got a text from my brother and I answered him... thats why it took so long" "No problem DJ! Now we're playing spin the bottle truth or dare" Alpha said "I calmed down Axel~Senpai ... he was crying the whole time you were gone... he said he felt bad.... atleast I think he did, Blue~Kun can come and get him now." Kawaii~Chan added "Thanks Kawaii~Chan... but I think you should hold him for a bit... I think the only reason he wanted to come home with me was because the day we met I was a meif'wa" I replied sitting beside the meif'wa "ok.. I'll hold him for you Blue~Kun" She smiled petting him.

"You go first Katelyn!" Alpha said "Ok I will do!" Katelyn spun the bottle it landed on Kawaii~Chan "Oohh ok Kawaii~Chan! I dare you to......... hmm" I smirked and whispered something into Katelyn's ear "ok....I dare you to turn into your cat form" "Kawaii~Chan's cat form?" She asked confused "Yea your cat form" "Fine Kawaii~Chan will turn into her cat form of Kacey~Kun and DJ~Kun do too!" "I don't have a wolf form..." Kacey replied, I chuckled "all werewolves and meif'was do" I said turning into my wolf form, it wore a blue bandana around its eyes along with a blue paw hoodie "see" I said.

"Oh...and how do you do that?" He asked "close your eyes and think about being a wolf" I replied "ok..." he closed his eyes, so did Kawaii~Chan they both turned into they're animal forms. Kawaii~Chan was a cat with black ears and a pink and white body a bow was on her ear along with her tail and she wore a pink bunny shirt, Kacey was a wolf with light blue ears and a dark blue body (his hair colour) and he wore a blueish green vest. Alpha squealed again, I covered my ears with my paws and whimpered "ahhoww! My ears are alot more sensitive then normal werewolves since... they're so big" I said shyly "your wolf looks-" "Weird I know but... I've learned to accept myself... kinda" Kacey came over and sat on the other side of me "Master?" Axel meowed ".... Axel...." I looked at him "Your a werewolf? I thought you were a meif'wa!" Axel said "D-Did that cat just talk..." Kacey asked scared, confused Katelyn picked up Kacey "This is so... weird, anyways" she put him down "let's continue!" "Yea we should" I barked "does anyone know what there saying?" "Nope! But as you said let's continue!" Aph giggled.

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