Chapter #30: The Last Day

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☆"Blue's" P.O.V☆

I jumped up barely being able to breath, I notices why.... I have two dogs laying across me a male cat on my stomach and a Female kitten cuddling into my arm I looked at the other side of the bed, it was empty "Really guys? Ugh!" I sat up pushing Axel off of me, Basil and Sage the jumped to the ground and Olivia peacefully woke up and meowed, I opened the door for them then got changed for school.

"Todays the last day... hopefully I can find Jax... the good Jax I mean, I need to get Jax and Luna's phone number other than those two I think I have all the numbers I need!" I said talking to myself in the mirror I stopped looking in the mirror and put my mask on "Hopefully I don't see Gene today.... he might hurt me... or make me skip school I don't want that...and... no matter what I need to break up with him" I finished all my stuff and grabbed my backpack, Though Axel has friends to stay home with he ran to me and climbed on to my backpack.

"Come on Axel! Not today! You have Olivia, Sage, and, Basil to play with" "Mew!" Axel meowed as if he were saying 'No' "You stubborn kitten" I mumbled, Basil noticed Axel was leaving and grabbed her leash "Basil no!" I growled taking the leash from her, she wimpered knowing that I was they're alpha "Sorry Basil I didn't mean to growl" I patted her head and opened the door, I put her leash on giving in.

"I'll bring you if you promise to be safe and to not let Gene or anyone else get you or Axel" Basil nodded and barked happily "You want to come Sage?" Sage sleepily looked up then shook his head and cuddled closer to Olivia "I'm guessing you want to stay too?" I asked Olivia, she nodded and stretched letting out a big yawn.

"Ok see you two after school" I said waving goodbye and walking to school, While walking not many people laughed or whispered to one other since I had a dog with me, Basil's curly tail wagged as we walked past all the people, I got to school and unleashed Basil "You stay around the school, you can hide under the bleachers but if Gene comes pick up Axel and run ok girl?" I asked Basil and kneeled down beside her giving her a kiss on the nose "Woof!" She licked my face "I'm guessing that's a yes?" I took Axel off my backpack and put him beside Basil.

"Now you be a good boy and stick with Basil" I gave him a peck on the nose, I stood up and patted each of they're heads "Now go on you to" I waved them goodbye and walked in to school first I have gym soooo I should be able to see Jax and Luna I went into the change room and changed into a blue shirt that had a paw on it then put on some shorts, I walked into the gym and looked around, wait... are Luna and Jax... actually... talking?! Instead of walking over I snuck up and listened to there conversation "So what your telling me is that you... ughh w-why me?!" Luna asked... she was blushing "Luna... I know you and I don't really get along but I rrrrealllllyy need you to do this for me your the only meif'wa I know" Jax begged "and what do I get out of this?" "A real date with me?" Jax said confidently "Don't test your luck bud! But... if you play your chances right then we'll see what happens" Luna teased.

What are they talking about? "Besides isn't it weird for a werewolf and meif'wa to go on a date?" Luna asked "Yes but... I-I told him I was dating a meif'wa" "also we have to set some ground rules" "ok?" "Make a move and I break your arm" "How? You have a broken arm yourself" Jax chuckled "watch me" Luna hissed, why are they talking about a date? Or dating was it? I don't know but they must be trying to fool someone... I'm just wondering why wouldn't Jax let me help him? Kawaii~Chan might've gone with him and there would be alot less ground rules too, I'm getting bored... time to scare them!

"BOO!" I barked jumping out from behind the bleachers "NYA!" Luna jumped her tail poofed up and her ears back, Jax on the other hand just... looked at me, I looked at Luna ".... Luna....." "What?" She said sasily she was unpoofing her tail "Did you... nya..?" "Did I?" She started to blush "Yea you did" Jax said pulling a stupid grin "Don't all meif'was nya?" He asked "What?! No!" Luna said offended "I don't normally nya! I just... got scared" she said "That's what the all say" is what I answered with.

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