Chapter 22

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I literally???? Love you all???? So much???????? This is my first story to be ranked in any way and it makes me so happy. And it's ranked fairly high up for several different tags and it's seriously unbelievable. Thank you all so so so much. ❤️

(Y/n)'s POV

I didn't tell Tadashi. I couldn't bring myself to do it. I've never seen him genuinely mad, and I didn't want him to be disappointed in his brother. We told him that Hiro, Max and I were rough-housing and Max shoved him into a wall and scratched his face up. So, Tadashi was miffed at Max for a solid twenty-four hours, then promptly forgot about the whole incident.

Hiro hid the money under his mattress. He, obviously, didn't want Tadashi finding it. But, when your brother starts getting a bunch of new little trinkets out of nowhere that he didn't previously have money for, you can't help but be a little suspicious. Tadashi couldn't figure out where all these new toys and books and things like that were coming from, because Hiro doesn't have a job and they don't get allowance or anything. He brushed it off though; it couldn't be anything that bad.

"Okay, cover-up story idea number two: Hiro's a stripper."

"Max!" Hiro and I shout simultaneously. "No!"

"Okay!" Max puts his hands up in defeat. "But I still think bank robbery would be a sufficient story."

"No," I groan, putting my head in my hand, "it wouldn't."

Hiro has started growing increasingly comfortable about his bot fighting habit. And yes, I said habit. It's grown into an every-Friday-night thing. Despite our best warnings, he goes out and gambles like he's in Vegas and he'll die tomorrow. It's grown into something that looks to me like a drug addiction. He's stopped becoming ashamed of his actions and actually seems to be enjoying it. He's going to get himself killed.

"All right, all right, I concede." Max sits back in his chair, sighing. "He's just lost cause then."

I notice Hiro slowly edging toward my bedroom door. I see the oddly-shaped bulge in his hoodie pocket. I know his little bot of destruction is in there. And I know where he's headed.

"Hiro, don't." I quickly move to my feet and grab his upper arm. "Seriously. Don't."

His eyes flash with annoyance. "(Y/n), just let go of me. I'm not going bot fighting."

I roll my eyes. "Sure. I'll believe that when pigs fly."

"Seriously." Hiro yanks his arm out of my hand violently. "Stop policing everything I do."

"Fine!" I yell, throwing my hands out to the side. "Go do whatever you want! And we won't be there to help you either!"

"Great!" Hiro shouts back, hand on the doorknob. "It's not like I asked anyway!"

Huffing loudly, I sit back down on the floor, staring at the other wall, not at Hiro. "Well?" I snap. "Go!"

Three seconds later my door slams shut.


"Crap crap crap crap crap." I pace around my room, gripping fistfuls of my hair tightly. "He should've been back at the café by now." I begin to bite my nails. "You're sure you haven't seen him?"

Max swivels his head to me from from my window. "Nope. Just some weird guy with Hiro's hair, but he was too tall."

I press my lips together. "I have to tell Tadashi."

"Hiro will kill you." Max has gone back to staring out the window, drumming his fingers on the sill.

"I don't care." I grab a jacket off of my bed post and storm out of my room, down the hall, and down the stairs.

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