Another smash fic

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I know. No need to tell me.

"It's been 4 years, why are you updating for?"

And if you didn't ask that, then okay. My bad.

But anyways, Smash Ultimate has been announced, due out in December and everyone is here! Which means some new story content in conjunction with this. It's called Long Live, Vengeance. If you are interested, have a look. I can't promise regular updates but I will try my best. 

Next up is shameless self-promoting: if you'd rather read something else, something different from me in terms of genre and plot, or you have given up on this series OR you're waiting for an update for my new sequel, please go check out my other stories (provided I haven't chickened out and unpublished it). Apart from self promotion, it's a nice motivator for me to write more and help me further out my skills :)

Thank you! 

Please look forward to my upcoming works. 

Long Live, Smash Warriors (Super Smash Bros. Fanfic AU) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now