Chapter 12 (Moving in with Him)

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I was quietly sitting down while Jin's parents and my parents talk...

"I can't believe you're actually gonna be my wife.." Jin whispered.

"My life became hell because of you and now I have to marry you, why does it have to be you?!" I irritatingly told him.

"Why? What's wrong with marrying me? I'm Worldwide handsome . You're gonna have a handsome and caring husband. Don't you want that?" He asked me.

"Pffftt. Worldwide handsome my butt. You're Worldwide Pervert and since when were you caring?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yah! I am Worldwide handsome and I'm always caring! I just bullied you, messed with you, and made you my servant because you messed with me! You also seem to like it when I touched you the first time we met so I touched you again" He winked at me.

I just rolled my eyes at him again.

"Whatever, I'm not marrying you. I'd marry anyone except you." I said to him coldly.

"Well, you actually have no choice because you're still my servant so you're going to marry me no matter what." He replied back to me coldly.

"Aish. I totally forgot that I was still his servant! I have no choice now. Why is the world so cruel?!?" I thought to myself.

Our parents were done discussing with each other and they went towards us with 2 marriage contracts.

Eomma gave me the contract and Mrs. Kim gave the other contract to Jin.

"Both of you sign this, so that we have proof that both of you agreed to the marriage." Mrs. Kim said.

I looked at Jin and he signed it without hesitating.

"I wonder why he didn't hesitate. Did he really want to marry me? Nonono maybe he just wants to make me suffer more and maybe he's just doing it for his parents too." I thought to myself.

I guess I have no choice now...
Eomma and Appa are looking at me with hopeful eyes.
I just sigh.

I signed the marriage contract and gave it to them.

"Soo when is the wedding?" I asked them.

"After 5 weeks. For now, we will give both of you engagement rings and make sure to wear them." Mrs. Kim said.

Mr. Kim gave us the rings and we both wear them.

"Okay! So Y/N, you and Jin won't be attending school tomorrow because you are moving in with Jin. We want you to spend more time together since you're getting married." Mr. Kim said.

I looked at them with shocked eyes. I glanced at Jin and he seems to be fine with it.

"Great!" I sarcastically thought to myself.

"Eomma, Appa what about my house?" I asked them.

"Don't worry! We'll take care of it. We'll just donate it or sell it to someone else. We want you to move in with your future husband first." Appa said.

"Ok" I said with no emotion.

It was time for us to leave so I said goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Kim first.

"Bye, Mr. and Mrs. Kim it was nice meeting you." I said to them while smiling.

"Oh please! Don't call us like that anymore. Call us Eomma and Appa since you're going to be our daughter in law." Mrs. Kim said.

I just bowed and smiled at them again.

"Jin's parents are so nice and kind. How come he's not like them? " I silently thought.

Married to my Bully [ BTS Kim Seokjin x Reader ff ] (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon