Chapter 13(Bonding?)

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"You're finally mine..." Jin whispered.

I looked at him shocked ...

I used all my strength and pushed him.
He fell to the ground.

"Yah! I was having a moment with you, why did you ruin it?!!" Jin said looking pissed.

"Yah!! This is not the right time to do this! You don't own me you pervert!! We aren't even married yet!!! and I don't even like you!!!!" I glared at him.

"Pfffttt... I know you like me, and I know you want to do it with me. We're getting married anyway so why not do it now." He said while giving me a playful smirk and moving closer towards me.

"Yah!! Don't come closer, I'll punch you!" I shouted at him.

"You better not punch me or you'll regret it. You're still my servant remember? So obey me right now." He said while moving even closer.

"Yah! If I said I won't do it with you, I really won't do it since I'm not inlove with you and we're not married yet!" I said to him.

He stopped moving closer.

"Fine, I'll respect your decision because I'm a gentleman and I can wait for you." He said.

I scoffed at his words.

"Really? You Can wait for me? You better not wait anymore. I'm only getting married to you because I'm forced by my parents, and I'm doing it for the sake of our company, it doesn't mean that I love you, and I never will love you because you are the reason why I'm in this horrible situation. You're always making things harder for me since I'm your servant and you always mess with me in school." I irritatingly told him.

"I'm only doing this because you messed with me! I know you're being forced to marry me but I tell you, you won't regret it. I'm a husband material you know." He winked at me.

I rolled my eyes at him then went out of his room and left him there.

I went downstairs because I was feeling hungry.


"Don't worry Y/N, you won't regret marrying me. I will make you fall inlove with me. If only you knew how much I care for you and how much I love you..."

"I'm only messing with you because it's the only way I can get closer to you."

"Hmm... what if I explain everything to her after we have a fun time bonding with each other at the mall? Maybe she'll understand why I did those things to her. I hope she also forgives me. I'll have more chances of making her fall inlove with me once we become friends."

"Hmmm.... you're so smart Kim Seokjin."

I went downstairs and searched for Y/N so we can go to the mall together.

Your POV

I went downstairs and searched for the kitchen.
Damn I'm so hungry right now. I was walking while looking around, not paying attention on what's in front of me..

I bumped into something hard.

I looked at it and it was someone's chest

I looked at the person and it was Jin...

"Oh um.. I-I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention to where I was going..." I said to him, feeling embarassed of my actions.

"It's alright, where were you going anyway?" He asked

"Umm ... I was looking for the kitchen because I got hungry. I was wondering if you have food in your refrigerator" I said to him.

"Perfect! Let's go to the mall and eat there. I want to have fun with you." He said while smiling cheerfully at me.

Married to my Bully [ BTS Kim Seokjin x Reader ff ] (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now