The big party and reveal

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Sophie POV:

"Finally! School is over!" Sophie looks at Tessa as she goes on and on about how excited she is for it to be Friday. I'm just happy tomorrow is my birthday party!
She didn't realize she spaced out. She still has last minute things to do for her big 18th birthday party.
"Yes Tessa?"
"You spaced out! I was asking what time you wanted me and Brett to come over tomorrow to help you and ur family set up?"
Most people have others plan and set up their birthday party. Me? Nah I want to micromanage it all. I always found a problem when others planned my parties years ago. So my mom decided I should plan it. She was joking but non the less I did start planning it.
"How about around 12? The party won't start till 5 so we have time to set, plan, relax, and get dressed!!" Just as I throw my hands in excitement my other best friend and boyfriend Brett walks behind me and picks me up and spins me
"Happy birthday! Sorry I didn't say it earlier but I was late then I forgot my homework and then I was in detention for being late-" Brett puts Sophie down and she kisses him to shut him up
"It's fine babe, calm down you said it now. That's all that matters. So your coming to my house to help right?" She looks at him to make sure he's listening "of course I am! What time do you need me to be there?" "I just told Tessa 12, so now that we set a time can we leave? I'm in dire need of some food. Something with BBQ on it"
"I call shotgun!" Tessa says as she's running towards my new baby.
"You can't call shotgun when there's only two people in the car. I have my own car remember? Got it on my 16th birthday" Brett looks so smug right now. Rubbing it in our faces that he's had a car for two years now.

-Saturday morning.. 10 am

"Mom! Uncle Trent! Uncle Jason!"
They run outside as I finish yelling their names. Their panting and looks around frantically. They always do that. I wonder why.
"Are y'all really panting from running outside? You guys are getting old" at this point dying laughing. Their faces are priceless.
"We are not old! We just don't run as often as you do!" Uncle Jason is always the first to comment on me calling them old. Even though he's the youngest of his siblings. He always takes it to heart.
"Is there a reason you were yelling my darling daughter?" She looks at me with sarcasm dripping at the words darling.
"Yeah mom. I don't scream for no reason. I can't find the streamer or the lights or really anything! I've been looking for two hours!"
"Sophie, calm down I have them in my car. I bought new ones. The old ones were well.. old." Uncle Trent was always the one to buy new things instead of just keeping and fixing the old ones.
"I liked the old ones uncle Trent! I had a whole plan set up and everything! UGH!" At this point my face is red and if I were a cartoon steam would be coming out of my ears. "Fine. This is fine. I'll work with the new ones then." The doorbell goes off and I see the time is already 12. I didn't realize the time. "That's Brett and Tessa. I'll get it"
I open the door and the first thing I see is Tessa and Brett fighting for the doorbell. They obviously didn't see me open the door. Brett, my boyfriend of 2 years and Tessa, best friend of a lifetime. I stare at them for what feels like an hour but really a minute maybe. I clear my throat and laugh as they pull apart and almost face plant the walls. "Come on in guys. We have a lot of work to do!"

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