Waking to a new reality

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Sophia POV:

It's 8 am and I'm just laying in bed. I've been awake for about an hour wrapping my head over everything that I learned. The one thing that I'm having trouble is that I would have to move. Im almost done with high school, I wanted to go to college. I'm not sure what I would study but I wanted the experience. I guess that's out, I hear knocking on my door and a second later my mom walks in. "Good morning sweetie, how are you? Are you hungry?" It took a moment for my mind to click what she's saying. "Yeah I'm okay mom, not really hungry though."
"I understand my love. Get dressed and come down stairs please?" I nod and she walks away. I don't feel like getting up but I have to do it. I take a quick shower and put on some black track shorts and a purple t-shirt. Coming downstairs I hear laughter and the blender. Rounding the corner the laughter I heard stops, they just look at me. I'm thinking I have left over makeup on my face or my hair is probably sticking up in every angle? I'm not sure really. Why else would they just stare at me. "Good morning daughter, how are you feeling?" My father asks and I can't help but thinking how am I feeling. I'm not too sure but I say "I'm doing fine Will , I have a few questions." I sit when I finish my statement. I'm sitting like a CEO of a big corporation, I can see myself looking stiff and start giggling but go back to being serious when they look at me weirdly. They sit not long after. "Okay what would you like to ask? I'll answer anything." My father answers first, which is good because my questions are directed towards him. "Okay firstly, why now. Why come now? Secondly, when would I need to leave?" I don't think they expected me to fire off questions. "Well like I said the rebels have been very quiet the past few years and I've missed your mother and you so dearly. I realized that with my army and council better then ever and the rebels being quite that I could resume my life. The one with you and your mother in it. And secondly we can leave any time but I would like it to be sooner. I still am a king after all." He talks so formal with me. I guess it's to be expected. He doesn't know me. He only knew me as an image in a picture not a person my mother raised or the person who became vise president of student council or a person who planned every party since I was 14. "Well firstly I have school still and I have a life. I can't just pack up and move because you demand it. My mother has a job and friends as do both of my uncles. So if you want me to move all the way over there I need time." Everyone looks shocked. But my father most of all. I guess he expected me to just up and move at the snap of his fingers. Not going to happen. "As much as I love you Will, our daughter is right. We all do have a life that needs to be taken care of before we leave. But young lady there is no need to talk to him like that." I only do and get up for the door since someone rang the doorbell.
"Hay Tessa what are you doing here?" I was only slightly shocked to see her but then again she tends to come here at all hours. "I'm here because we're going shopp-" she stops talking mid sentence I turn around and see my father behind me. He's smiling and putting his hand out to her. "Hi I'm Will, Sophia father. Who may you be?" If I wasn't trying to be serious towards him I would laugh at her face. She looks back an forth between us two then shakes his hand "Hi I'm Tessa, Sophie best friend!" "It's nice to meet you Tessa, can I speak to you before you leave Sophie?" "Sure Will, Tessa I'll meet you in my room?" She just nods and runs to my room. "I understand where your coming from, would a week from now be good for us all to go home?" He was quick to pick a day but I guess I can't say no. I know how much my mother has missed him. She barely left his side and is always touching him. So I nod close the door and go to my room to start my day.

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