The end

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Sophie POV:

It's been a few months since Jayden got shot and the rebel group was finally detained. I'm so glad that was over. I never want to see that again.
Edward has been staying in the castle to watch over me. I've been having nightmares of that eventful day. So when I called him to night to talk me to sleep and I tell him about my nightmares. He hung up and within 20 minutes he came into my room and held me as I cried and finally fell asleep.
Jayden made it alive. He's been interrogated a dozen time about his meeting and if he saw anything we missed. He complies ad apologized to me and Edward. It was hard for Edward to forgive him but he did. And although their friendship isn't the same they're trying to get back to that point. Jayden realized that he didn't really want to be with me. He just wanted to be with someone. So when he was finally let out of the cells he decided to go traveling and get his head straight. It's been good for him and Edward.
I've been working towards my big coronation and I couldn't be any more excited. Me and Edward announced our engagement a few weeks ago to the public and we couldn't be happier. My mother and I have been planning my wedding.

It's the day of my coronation and I'm so excited. I'm wearing I cream colored dress. With half sheer sleeves and it flairs out at my waist. With some nude pumps. When I walk down the church to my father I can see Edward to the left where I would be and my mother to the right, behind my father. The entire country is either watching on the tv or is physically here watching my big day, well second big day. I smile and walk down like my mother has taught me. My head held high my shoulders squared back and walking like I'm floating. I reach towards my father and the ceremony proceeds. He takes his crown off and puts it on my head. That signals that the new raining queen will be be. "Now introducing Queen Sophie!" Everyone stands and starts clapping. I turn around and face my adoring subjects. Today I couldn't be happier. I have my future husband besides me and my parents as well. I never thought at 22 my life would be like this. A ruler and a wife. Maybe college but never this. I couldn't be happier the way my life came out.

Edward POV:

Today is the most important day of my life. A few weeks ago Sophie became the crowned queen. But today is the day we get married. The day I've always wanted. My mom walks in and starts crying. "I can't believe my baby is getting married!" She's wiping her eyes and hugs me. All of my brothers and sisters are here but only one person will be my best man. I asked Jayden. Although he wronged me and Sophie. I couldn't have asked for anyone else. Sophie's maid of honor and only bridesmaid is Tessa. So I could only have one anyways. My family knows what he did but not the the extent of hurting anyone. "Man I can't believe your getting married before me!" Jayden slaps my back smiling. He's been back for a week from traveling to be here. "Thanks man! I can't believe it either but I couldn't be happier" he smiles at me and it's a genuine smile so I smile back. My sister run in and start arguing about their dresses. Sophie wanted them to be the flower girl and the ring bearer. Technically the ring bearer is supposed to be a boy but she loves my sister too much so she put both of them in our wedding. I would ask for anything better.

I'm standing at the alter waiting for my love when the music starts. My heart starts pumping faster and I see Jayden and Tessa. She's slightly pregnant right now with Sophie's cousins baby. And Jayden is looking at someone to the side. I look and see an old classmate of ours. He had a crush on her for the longest. I guess he might find his forever after all. When the traditional bride song come on I look up to find Sophie and her dad. She totally blows my mind every time. She's wearing a big puffy Cinderella dress with the top hugging her chest and it flowing out right about her hips. Her hair is flowing in soft waves with a see through vail over her face. I can barely see her face but I see tears. I didn't realize I was crying until she walks up to me and wipes them away. "Who gives away this woman to this man?" The priest asks my almost father in law "I do your honor" the priest nods and begins the ceremony.

"Edwards Wright and Queen Sophie Hope have agreed to write their own vows. You may now say them Edward" I've never been one to shy from the spotlight but now I'm nervous. Hoping she'll love what I say. "Sophie before I met you I couldn't imagine being married at 22 or being the next king. I only wanted to travel and see the world. But when I met you at the ball I knew those dreams were just that, dreams. You've brought a-whole new meaning to my life. I've never been this happy before. And I couldn't be more blessed to have you. I will forever help you in every way possible and will always comfort you when your down. Your my angel, my love, my everything. I love you" she's tearing up again it only makes me want to kiss her.
"Now Queen Sophie it's your turn"
"When I came to this beautiful country I didn't see the happiness that I have found. I expected to find a love for the country and my people. But never did I think I would find my soul mate. Your very presence makes me happy. Your smile lights up my life and when I'm down your there to pick me up. I promise to be there for you even in our most busy of times. I promise to love and cherish you for the rest of our lives. I promise my life to you. I love you" while saying our vows we put our rings on each other. "I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride" I've never been more excited to kiss anyone before. I grab her by the waist and kiss her like my life depends on it. We hear clapping and whistles. I've never been happier before. And now I have a whole future ahead of me with my now wife. With my hidden gem.

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