Saving the day

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Sophie POV:

I can't believe the days I've had. Me and Edward have told each other our feelings and no more then an hour me my uncles and the king and Edward have left for the rebel hideout. He's hoping we aren't too late. I can't believe we will finally get all of the rebels taken care of. Although they haven't made any moves since I've been here it still makes me nervous. Especially when I have my first child in the future. After about 45 minutes we come up to a bar with the name coming off. Right now it says ichys bar. The R's light is out. My uncle signals that me and Edward stays here. With Edward watching and protecting me while my dad and uncles creep up on the building. I don't see how they will see inside. The windows are painted over. "Are you okay Sophie? You've been really quiet" I look at him and he looks as stressed as my family. "I'm fine. I'm just glad they will be taken care of. I've always stressed over them. I always wondered if they would rebuild their ranks and come after me or even my future child" he still at my words. He's gone white and I don't know why. He isn't even looking at me. I turn around and see Jayden walking out with some muscle head guys. "Who's is Jayden with?" He put his hand over my mouth to keep me quiet while they come out. They look around, maybe they did hear us. I'm not sure but they're talking right now. While we're watching them we don't see two guys come behind us and point guns towards us. "Get up. If you run I shoot. I don't care if you are the sun of Theo. And we want to shoot you princess so get up and start moving towards Richy." I've never been held at gun point. It's terrifying. Edward just looks mad. we start walking towards this Richy guy and Jayden. He sees us first and starts smiling at me. "Princess! You've made it!" He didn't see Edward at first but then once he did he just sneered at him. Why would he do that? That's his best friend. Apparently Edward didn't understand either. "Why would you come to the rebels Jayden! You don't know them! They only want to hurt the royal. Why!" He's getting more mad every time a word come out of his mouth. The man behind us had to hit Edward with the gun in his should. I gasp try running for Edward. He's fallen to the ground but he gets up just as quickly. He shakes his head no. Telling me to stay put. Not very hard with the giant holding me still. "I had no choice! You tried to take the princess from me! And you lied! Why would you lie?!? You knew I wanted someone for myself. But I would have given anything for you. You were basically my brother. Why would you betray me!" A light goes off in Edwards eyes because it seem Edward now understands. I don't so I look at them to give me an explanation. "You followed me didn't you? When I dropped you off. You followed me to the Forrest clearing." Jayden only nods then walks towards me. "It's fine princess. Nothing will happen to you. You'll just come with-" before he finishes he gets shot. Blood gets sprayed on my face and dress as Jayden falls. I start screaming reaching for Jayden. Hoping he will be okay. He only got shit in the shoulder, if we get a doctor soon that is. I look at Edward and he just falls to his knees. Tears are coming out of his eyes by now. "I've been waiting to do that for hours now. That boy only talks about you two. It's live a novella. And I always hated those." He sneers at Jayden's limp body in my arms. I'm just crying and hoping he'll be alright. He didn't mean for harm. He just wanted to be happy.

The King POV:

I can't believe we finally found their hideout. For years I've been looking for it. And to think it was only a 45 minutes drive from my own home. Me Jason and Trent are looking for a way in when we hear a gun shot. "What was that?!" "Sophie!" Both Trent and Jason say at the same time. But I've already started running towards my only daughter. No one will harm her. No one! I will kill anyone who dares to lay a hand on her. I'm so mad but I understand the importance of stealth so we all go around in towards to woods to the front of the bar. I see Sophie on the floor crying holding on to that Jayden kid. I see Edward looking petrified and Richy, that bastard sneering at the lifeless kids body. We can only watch at the scene unfolding. I see Edward move towards a man holding a gun at him like a snake. Only fluid movement until he has the gun and has taken down one guy. Didn't kill him but did knock him out. I didn't expect to see that. But once someone grabs Sophie I can't stay still any longer. Me and my brother in laws come charging in we leave Richy and the bartender,if looks like, alive. I need information. But within 15 minutes. We've unarmed them and even taken down a few who dare lay a hand on Sophie.
"Edward... I know it's hard right now but you need to get Sophie out of here. And get that boy a doctor." I put my hand on Edwards shoulder as I give him instructions. He only nods and when he sees Sophie crying he goes to her and holds her. They leave not long after. "Trent I want that boy detained if he makes it." He only nods and walks towards the kids and calls for backup. Finally it seems the rebel group is really done.

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