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Jayden POV:

She wanted me to stay first. Oh my, what would I say? What don't I say? I know Edward told me to be myself and all but I'm not royal material. Why did I get chosen?? "Hi Jayden, hello? Earth to Jayden??" I didn't realize she was talking to me. God stupid me. "Sorry I started thinking then I spaced out... yeah I'm sorry" she just giggles. Giggles so cute. "So Jayden tell me a little about yourself" what would I say? I could say so much but I don't know why to say. "Well I have two sisters one is 12 and the other is 16 and I'm 23, my mom and dad own a dress shop in town" I don't know what else to say. It's like my tongue is frozen. "Well I'm glad to hear that, I would love to visit their shop." She said it so sincere that I can't help but blurt "we should go tomorrow! When it's my turn. Yeah tomorrow after breakfast we could go and then my mom can make you a dress! She makes the best in town!" I had to stop myself because she of course has a dress and cloth maker. She must think I'm boring.

Sophie POV:
He is just so cute! "Of course we can go to your families shop. I would love to. I've been wanting something new anyways. Now what do you like to do? Maybe sports or maybe painting or music?" I start listing things, holing he'll open up a little bit. "Oh yeah, I like music mostly. A little of everything really but then I also love watching football. The American one anyways. Although I like the world fútbol too. I like how we can get those channels here. Quite impressive if you ask me. The royals magic
sure does go to a lot." I didn't expect him to answer so quickly. I'm glad though he seems nice. I think I can grow to like him.

Through our the hour with him I can't stop thinking about his friend. So I might as well get something to sooth my questions? Probably not but I'm going to do it anyways.
"Hay you said you had a best friend. How did y'all meet?" I think I may have changed the topic too fast because it took him a couple of seconds to realize I asked him about Edward. "Oh Edward. Well funny story. When we were about 12 and 13 our parents were giving birth to our sisters. And we so happened to be next to each other. Room wise. So my dad told me to stay outside because I didn't like mom in pain and kept asking the doctor to stop hurting her." He starts laughing lightly. Which made me laugh. "Well I was out outside and so was he. His reason was he threw up on his dad when he saw his first sister came out" he scratches his head in an awkward motion. It was so funny because I could picture Edward doing that and it made me laugh so hard. "Yeah it's funny now. Not back then. Well anyways we were sitting by the doors and we just started talking. Then we talked about all the cars we wanted when we were grown. Till this day he talks about the cars and adventure he will see one day. Me not so much. I want to be here and help my family and maybe get one of my own." He was passionate about that. One of the only things he doesn't get shy about is his family. I smile at that. I love that.
"Well that is something of a funny story Jayden. My best friend was my next door neighbor and when she was moving in I got bored and wondered over to her house to see what was making so much noise. Turns out she was trying to sing. I stared at her for a while minute before she noticed me. But when she did, man did she scream. She has lungs of steel. She can sing now but back then it was like a dying seal" just thinking about that memory I started cracking up. Like holding my stomach about to pee my pants laughter. Jayden seeing me laugh that hard made him laugh and did he come out of his shell. Till Richmond came in that is. Well looks like our hour is over. "Thank you so much Jayden. I loved talking with you. I'll see you in the morning then?" "You betcha!" He gave me a hug and walked away with a confidence I didn't see when I met him. Made me smile. Which made Richmond frown. Hmmm

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