Secret date

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Edward POV:

I'm walking back towards the car after asking Sophie for a date. I just asked the princess of my country for a date. How surreal. "What did you do?" I look up to see Jayden. Me and him both brought her back to her home. "What do you mean?" I look at him perplexed. I mean he couldn't have possibly heard me ask her out. So what's he asking me? "I mean. What did you say to her that's made both of y'all so happy. I haven't seen her that happy before. And neither you for that matter. So what did you do?" Oh wow. I didn't realize I was smiling or walking happy. "I returned a hair clip back to her. I saw it fall out of her hair earlier so I thought it best to give it back" I hope he doesn't realize I'm lying. Let's hope not. I don't want him to think bad or get hurt but I needed to follow my heart for once. I always do what's right for my family. Now it's my time. I smile at that and Jayden looks at me and shrugs. Good he bought it.

Its time to go on my date and I'm so nervous. My mom can tell I'm nervous. I've been around the house twice. I've put my clothes in the dryer twice to be less wrinkled. I've asked if I looked okay at least three times. I've never been this nervous. Yeah I've been on dates before but never with one that makes me truly happy. "What's got you so nervous big brother?" Layla asked me while watching me. She's been doing that lately. Apparently my mood changes fast enough to be considered a show for my 12 year old sister. "Well if you must know little sister. I'm going on a date" she starts fake puking, it makes me laugh. She still think dating is gross and unnecessary. She won't think that for long. I only laugh and leave to go pick up Sophie. I borrow my dads,now mom, car. As I'm leaving Jayden walks out and towards the car "where you going?" He's so nosey but since my date is a secret I can't say anything. "I'm just going out with some people" he looks hurt. I forgot that I usually invite him so I quickly change it "people are meaning of the female capacity. Like a date" so not lying. "Oh cool if your not in a rush can you drop me off at my moms shop?" I can't show I'm going to be late but might as well. "Sure hop on it." The entire ride was so awkward that we didn't even want to talk. I drop him off and I speed off. I'm already late. Ugh bad start!

Sophie POV:

I have 30 minutes till he gets here and I still have no clue to my outfit. It's frustrating. I've gotten so used to dresses that I can't even find my jeans. I've looked everywhere so I ask my mom and apparently I've looked over them every time. Moms seem to find everything.
I'm dressed in my old favorite jeans that hugs my body perfectly without being too tight. With my light pink tank top with ruffles on the front and a dark blue cardigan. Now I'm just waiting by the front with Gerard. "What time did he say he was coming princess?" Other then my mom and dad Gerard is the only one who knows about my date. Well on my side that is. "He said at 8 and it's 8:30" I just look down. Slightly disappointed. I wonder what's made him late. Maybe he decided I wasn't worth it at all and stood me up. Maybe that's it. I start to walk back inside when I hear an engine coming by, quiet loudly by the way. And honking. Lots of honking. I look up and see Edward run out of his car. All of a sudden every nerve in my body is gone. My heart is pink pumping all of my blood to my face. He looks so handsome. He's wearing dark blue jeans with a light blue button up shirt. His hair is still messy but it's a fixed messy. He looks so handsome that words don't come out. Only my smile. "I'm so sorry I'm late. Jayden needed a ride and I couldn't say no so I took him. Then I was driving like crazy to get here but.. I'm sorry." He looks so sad. So the best way to fix that was to hug him. So I do. I jump in his arms and hug him. It takes a second but he closes his arms around me and puts his head in my neck and just holds me. I'm in heaven. His cologne is amazing. I never want to move. That was until Gerard interrupted "Good evening Edward. I will be going with you on your date. I will be back far enough but the princess leaves no where with out me." He looks so stern I laugh. Edwards looks like a kid who just got his toys taken away. I take his hand and squeeze it and tilt my head towards the car.

We've been driving for about 45 minutes. Seems very far but it's so beautiful outside that I don't mind. We finally reach an area with nothing but trees, I've passed it up before but never been inside. "What are we doing here?" He just smirks "just follow me. Actually close your eyes I'll lead you" I here Gerard in the back. Makes me smile. So Edward proceeds to lead me and I'm clumsy so Gerard it's at my back making sure I don't fall.

When we finally stopped I open my eyes and oh wow. In front of my is this beautiful lake. The moon is reflecting off of the lake so there's light. Then there's obviously trees surrounding the area. Big pine trees everywhere. Then right in-front of the lake is a small table that sits two. With candles and plates with lids over them. It's so beautiful that all I can do is stand there. Edward looks pleased and happy. So he takes my hand and sits me down and takes the cover off. It's pizza. Oh my. "I know it's not something fancy but it's homemade pizza. I made it." I love pizza so there's no problem there but that he made it for me is even better. "It's perfect. I love this. It's so beautiful how did you find this place?" He looks around, it seems he comes here a lot because he fully takes in the area. "When my dad died I ran away and I managed to find this place. I stayed here for a whole day till I got hungry and came home." I didn't know his dad died. I wonder what happened but maybe that's a topic for another day? "I'm so sorry to hear that. Well you did manage to find a wonderful spot. It's so beautiful. Why don't we start eating?" He nods as smiles. I love his smile. It lights up his entire face. "So Sophie.. May I call you Sophie? Why don't you tell me more about yourself." "Why yes you can call me Sophie. Not too many people call me by my name alone. But I'm 21 almost 22. I turn 22 on December 20th so in a few months and I have no siblings although I've always wanted one"
It went on like this for hours. Him telling me his birthday( November 1st) making him a month older then me. Then his favorite color being blue because it was his dads. Then his favorite car being a BMW. So forth and so on. For hours we bath in the moonlight and laugh and talk and laugh some more. I think I've truly fallen in love with this man.

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