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Jayden POV:

I've been watching Edward since the morning after his big date. He seems happier. I can't figure out why he would lie we've told each other everything. If he wanted something I would get it for him. And vise versa. So why is now so different. She may be the princess but she was just a woman firstly. I wasn't in this for the crown or for the money. I was in it for a wife. Did someone I could love and call my own. And maybe she could of been that for me. She could have been my forever but now that Edward seems to come in between us. How can I win? I can't. That's the answer. But I know a way I can make her mine. It won't be too hard. I know the right people for the job.

Edward POV:

Since my date I can honestly say I've been happier. So much it seems. Everyone in my family has been giving me weird faces. But I'm too happy to care. I've finished my chores, helped cooked and walked my sisters to their bus. Now what to do? The princess has work. That's what I should do then!
I walk into Mrs. Braves shop to see her worried. "What's wrong Mrs. B?" She gets startled that I walked in. I don't know why there's a bell on the door. "Have you seen Jayden lately?" Now that I think of it I haven't. "I dropped him off here yesterday around 8, that was the last I saw him." She just looks more worried. "He didn't come here yesterday. I would know. No one came in after 7 so I closed early. Around 8:30. He wasn't home when I got home and I haven't seen him all day he was supposed to work today." She's starting to panic and it isn't good for her. "Mrs. B I'm sure he's fine. Maybe he decided to go out and forgot the time. I'll do his job till he gets here Okay?" She's looks relieved. I didn't realize how much she relied on Jayden before. I'm glad I came in then.

After a few hours Jayden still hasn't come in and although I'm not worried Mrs B is. But to be honest it isn't like him. If his family needed him he would be there. No matter what. Do what could be so important to leave him mom worried.

By the end of the work day he still hasn't showed up and I've gotten pissed by now. I tell him mom I'll find him when I leave. I watch her drive away before I get in the car and start looking for him. Every hiding place we've had is empty. The tree house in the field by the forest, his favorite arcade place, his grandma house, no where. I go home and my mom is crying. "What's going on Mother! What's happened!!" I'm thinking someone died or she lost her job I don't know but I didn't expect this. "Son, it's Jayden. He's taken something.." she keeps crying that she can't even finish it so my brother Joe finishes. "Do you remember how dad was apart of the rebels?" I only nod my head. Where could this lead? "Well all of his things are still here in the attic. And we walked in on Jayden going through this things. Apparently he wanted to find out their secret hideout and apparently dads things we the clue. We thought he was crazy and tried to get him home but he ended up taking Layla hostage to get out of the house with dads things." I've never seen Joe this mad before. Never. Thinking about my 12 year old sister being in harms way boils my blood. But for the person to do the harm is my best friend. My best friend! I've reached a level of anger I didn't know I had. Fortunately for me I knew where the rebels hid. I left them alone and they left my family alone. They came to me about 5 years ago wanting me to join. Saying that the royals can't be trusted. So much bull that I refused. But they took me to their hideout. I can't believe he would do this. To what end?

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