Big reveal

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Annabelle POV:

Sophie sits down, she can tell something is wrong. She's looking at us three nervously. I'm thinking of a way to bring up her father and our history when the man himself walks in. Her eyes doubled and I turn around and see him standing there. He looks back between me and Sophie. His wheels turning. "Is this her?" He starts walking towards her but she shot from her chair and hides behind Jason. "Will please stop. Your scaring her. Come sit down over by me. Sophie please sit back down." Will looks so sad but, he does what I tell him to do. "Mom what's going on? Who is he? I thought he left? Has he really been here the entire time??" Obviously she's perceptive, and saw him walk into the backyard.
*flashback to a few hours ago*

I'm talking with Jason and Trent and Tessa when I feel eyes on me. I turn around thinking it's Sophie but when I see the same grey eyes but I'm a different body I go stone still. Shocked really. I didn't expect him to find us. Let alone come to us. I'm so she'll shocked I just speed walk trying not to draw attention. I drag him into the house and stand perfect still. I can't believe he's here. He looks at me and I just break. I jumped him and starting planting kisses everywhere. I've missed him so much. He tightens his arms around me and picks me up. We only stop when Trent and Jason clear their throats. "Not that I'm not happy to see you your majesty, but what are you doing here and how did you find us?" Trent completely broke the spell i was under and realized that he was here and not in our country. "What are you doing here Will?" "I came for you and our daughter. Things have been quiet for so long and I was tired of waiting so I found a guy who has special abilities in tracking. I had some of your things left and one thing led to another and now I'm here." I was so excited and obviously so were my brothers. We could really go home. I couldn't believe it. The smile on my brothers faces told it all.

-present day:

"Sophie I want you to meet someone. He is very important to all of us. His name is Will and he's your father." I'm starting to tear up so Will holds my hand and starts speaking. "Your more beautiful then I could ever imagine. You look just like your mother but with my eyes. I've missed you and I regret us being and I want us to go home. All of us." He starts tearing up and that makes Sophie tear up. Soon everyone has tears in their eyes. Sophie stand up from her chair I'm thinking she's going to walk away but instead she comes to Will and hugs him so tightly. He was startled but soon he puts his arms around her and hugs her. "Your really my dad?" "Yeah I am. I'm so sorry for not being here for you and your mother but your lives were in danger. I knew you needed to leave so I sent you guys and your uncle away to protect you. Not a day goes by that I don't miss and think of you two." "Our people will rejoice in their Queen and princess coming home"

Sophie POV:

What did he just say?? Queen?? Princess? Our people?? In danger?? I'm trying to process this but I just can't. "Mother.. North Carolina doesn't have King and queens. They don't have royalty. What is he talking about??" "Sweetie I know I told you I moved from North Carolina but I only said that because you weren't ready and I'm sorry. We're actually from a small country off in the Mediterranean Sea called La Rosita. A small Spanish island. Before you were born our country was under attack by rebels and they wanted you my darling. Because you were the first born and every first born of the raining king or queen gain some sort of power it could be anything really. But they wanted you so your father decided for us to be far away. So we left with Jason and Trent and never looked back. And he's here to take us all home." My mother is crazy. So very crazy. Powers. Royalty. There isn't an island or country by that name. I would know I had to study world geography and did a project on islands around the world. It's so unbelievably that I start laughing. Their obviously shocked. "Y'all are joking right? Did you give my mom some type of drug? Come on.." I can't even finish my sentence I'm laughing so hard. But just as quickly as I start laughing I stop. This Will character or also known as my dad, hands starts glowing and things around the room start vibrating until the entire house is vibrating. Then it stops "does it look like we're joking? This is real my daughter. You too will have powers. It will manifest quite soon since your now 18. Mine happened on my 18th birthday. Yours might show up in the next few days." Today I was shocked would be an understatement but it clicked. All day I was wondering why I felt weird. Why I could hear things. In my dream I could control and talk with animals and could telepathically talk to other people too. I thought it was crazy but maybe it isn't. I thought I was crazy when I heard the dog next door start yelling at his owner, saying how he hates the clothes he has to wear and that his leash is too tight but he loves his food. It makes sense now. Omg... this is real. "Do you believe us Sophie?" This is the first time my uncle Trent spoke since this conversation started. It brought me out of my mind. "Yes uncle I do. I thought i was crazy. I heard our neighbors dog talk. I thought I was just stressed. But it makes sense now." I start to yawn and realize how long today has been. "Go to sleep sweetie we'll talk more in the morning. I love you." She gets up and kisses me on the cheek and both uncles hug me and kiss my head and walk away. My father just sits there in front of me looking at me until my mother calls him away. I walk to bed in my head. Thinking about everything. But I just realize. He wants me to move. To leave the love of my life and best friend from my school from everything. That thought is what I end up sleeping on.

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